29. Shocking Results

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"Yo." It was early Saturday morning, the time was about 2 AM. The guys invited some girls over and had a good time, but now was their time to leave and when they were gone, they would usually smoke a joint or 2 and talk about girls, y'know the casual shit. Kiba was drinking out of a liquor bottle. "What?" Sasuke's right hip poked out a little, while he leaned on the side of his room's door, with both hands in his pockets. "You, uh. Got that girl's number?" Kiba grunted from the shot. "What girl?" Sasuke cocked his head and irritatedly looked away before looking back at him. "The one that has Naruto acting stupid." Kiba went into defense mode, putting the cap back on the bottle and throwing it on the bed. Walking right up to Sasuke and giving him a push in the chest. "That girl has a fucking name." Sasuke threw his hands up in defense. "I don't mean any disrespect... I just need her number. Look, it's really important." He sighed and Kiba crossed his arms. "Don't you already have it? He used all our phones to get in touch with her, just yesterday." Sasuke pursed his lips and brought his hand to his face. "He didn't use mines... so if you gladly will give it to me."

Kiba huffed and went back to drinking his liquor. "Sorry, can't help you." Sasuke gave him a quick glare before walking out, mumbling something under his breath. "Shikamaru." He burst into he and Choji's room. "Sup?" He was sparking a joint with his zippo lighter. "Do you have Hinu's number?" Shikamaru took 2 puffs of the joint, inhaling and exhaling, giving him a blank look. "Who's that?" Sasuke answered. "Naruto's first love." He made air quotes, curling his fingers and shrugging. "Bro, her name's Hinata, and no. I don't have it."

Sasuke curled his lips into a frown. "What about fatass?" Choji came into the room with his mouth full of snacks. "Yeah, I do. But for that comment, I'm not gonna give it to you." Sasuke grunted angrily and stomped out of their room, going to his room and picking up Naruto's phone. Trying to unlock it but he didn't know the damn password, doing it so many times that he ended up locking it for an hour. "Fucking dobe!" He slammed Naruto's phone on his bed and picked up his, going on Instagram and texting the girl's best friend Ig.

Sasu: Give me Hina's number

Gaara looked at TenTen in his cop's suit while he was putting on another playlist for him and her. Getting ready for round 3. "I thought I told you to keep your phone on silent? That was a warning, but this is a lock-up." He spoke in an authoritative tone, keeping his voice low and deep. He held the handcuffs up and she squealed. "Hold on babe, it might be Hinata." He shot her a serious look. "I mean I'm sorry, officer." She began playing her role. "It might be my best friend, sir. Can I please check it?" He squinted his eyes and flared his nose. "Hurry it up, you only have 5 minutes." She blushed and picked up her phone, going into the hotel bathroom, shutting the door behind her, and seeing who it was that texted her. When she saw it was Sasuke, she texted back.

10_10: No
Sasu: Why are u ppl so difficult?
10_10: What do you want with her?
Sasu: I'm looking for that blonde idiot

"Psh!" TenTen shrugged.
10_10: Ok... but I'm not sure what that has to do with her...

Sasuke gave that text msg a dirty look.
Sasu: Sure u do! He's been acting dumb ever since she started school!
10_10: SO! Don't blame her for that!
Gaara yelled through the shut door. "You've got 4 minutes now!" She began smirking.

Sasu: How isn't it her fault? She's the reason why he's acting like this!
Sasu: Look, just give me the fucking number!
10_10: NO!

She saw him typing again, so she called Hinata's phone...
Hinata had her feet between Naruto's legs and he had his hand in her shirt, comfortably sleeping with 1 hand on her breast. When the phone rang he heard Hinata making soft groans, opening his eyes to look at her and quickly grabbing the phone to answer.

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