10. Could It Be You...?

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After 3 long hours of waiting in line, Hinata had finally been able to get all of her forms together and she had her schedule for her classes and professors...

"Have a nice day Miss Hyuga."
Hinata smiled, thanked her, and then left.

3:00 PM

She was carrying her things, walking to her car, and not paying attention to anyone.

Looking at her phone she saw all of the missed phone calls she had since her phone was on DND.

3 missed calls from 👭❤️
2 missed facetime from 👭❤️
2 missed calls from Lee💚
2 missed calls from K❣️
1 missed call from Mom🥺
1 voicemail from Mom🥺

She bumped into someone from behind when she got into the parking lot 5 cars away from hers.

She dropped her phone and papers, quickly kneeling to pick up her things and the person she bumped into began to help...

"Sorry, I'm such a clutch."
"It's all good sweetheart."

He handed her papers and then their eyes locked as they started to rise slowly...


It was as if their whole world stopped when they looked at each other.
No one or anything existed at all at the moment.
Their eyes softened as they just stared deeply...
Naruto couldn't remember the last time his cheeks burned this brightly, oh yeah! 11 years ago when...

5 minutes felt like 15 minutes when Hinata finally snapped out of their synced trance and ran off into her car like there was a maniac chasing her to leave.

Naruto turned to watch her every move still in a trance-like state of mind not believing reality.
Hinata rushed into her apartment quickly slamming and locking the door behind her.

While looking out the peephole as if there were a killer after her trying to get her.

TenTen took off her glasses looking up from her laptop trying to wonder what was wrong.

"Hina banana?"
Her chest huffed and puffed up and down deep, with the door behind her back.
She swallowed and looked at her best friend.
TenTen got up from her seat and guided her to their couch to sit her down handing her a glass of water...

Hinata gulped the whole thing down in a couple of sips and calmed her breathing.
She was trembling until TenTen touched her hands.

She closed her eyes & inhaled & exhaled deeply. "Ah-I saw... Naruto."

She didn't need to deal with this! Not right now! And after so long after many, many, many years.

"That's why we've been calling you all afternoon..." Hinata listened carefully.
"He's been attending there for 2 years now..."
Hinata made a sad disappointed face.
"Lee and Kiba found out this morning, I'm sorry."

Hinata wiped her eyes before any tears could fall...
"Hey! It's whatever! Besides, he's old news."
She kept wiping her eyes trying not to cry...
"But you still love him, don't you?"
The tears slipped right through her hands.
"Yessss! I'm such an idiot Tenny."

TenTen started to hold her while she cried.

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