37. Officially Together 🥺 *Last Chapter*

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Hinata decided to stay at the hotel on the beach she was at. She figured why not?

She isn't going on a date anymore and it's been a while since she's had a day to herself.

This money was well spent because she got to soak in her big jacuzzi tub & she got to order in.

Tbh, she had a lot to think about.
Not just with her love life but her life in general.
She's not getting any younger and she does wanna be stable in life before the age of 30.

"Sheesh, adulting sucks." She murmured to herself.

A knock at the door disrupted her deep thoughts. She took another sip of her wine & got out of bed to answer hoping it was room service with her meal.

Soon as she answered the door a big hand ended up on her right breast and she was shoved to the wall behind her.

Her heart sped up.

"Naruto what the hell are you doing?"

When he pulled out the same pocket knife from a few weeks earlier she gulped and quieted herself. "Why can't I leave you alone?"
He brought the small hand knife to her neck.

"You some kinda witch or something?"
He pressed the knife a little more to her neck making her wince in discomfort.

"You put the roots on me, bitch?"
Hinata said nothing she was too afraid to talk. "Chanting some kinda words to have you in my head twenty-five-eight?" This was insane!

He was insane! First, he gets mad at her & then he cuts her off but he can't leave her alone?

Fucking insanity was what he was! She's had enough of his mind games & confusion!

"I wouldn't even waste a prayer on you."
She snarled at him.
And he instantly dropped the pocket knife.
"I'm not good enough for a prayer?"
He almost sounded sad as if that remark from her hurt his feelings.

The angered dark violet head babe began yelling at him. "Leave me the hell alone!" Naruto dropped to his knees and began hugging her waist. "Sugar Pop, I'm sorry."

His voice actually had remorse in it.
"I-I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like I'm going crazy or something. Can we please start over? Please, pretty, pretty, pretty please? I'll do whatever you want me to do..."

She's never thought that she'd see the day of him acting so... desperate.

She truly wondered what all those little fans of his and that asshole he calls best friend would think if they saw him acting like this.

"Sugar Pop, no matter how hard I try to convince myself to leave you alone. It just won't work. I'm sorry for acting like an asshole."

Looks like they both have this problem.
No matter how hard she tried convincing herself that Naruto wasn't the one for her she knew that deep down inside... she'll always love him and he'll always be the man of her dreams.

She uncrossed her arms and placed both her hands on his broad shoulders. "Why do you keep bullying me? You constantly do things to crush my feelings." He had to be vulnerable.

"Because I want you to feel as bad as I do when things aren't going right between us."
He answered truthfully and all she could do was stay silent. That was so mean on his part.

"That's not fair to me." She started.
"You keep running away when we have a problem and then you're mad at me for the decisions you make. I'm tired of not getting through to you." She finished.

"Let's talk. For real this time. No interruptions, no bullshit, no rushing. Just a heart-to-heart."
After Naruto got the food that Hinata ordered and watched her eat in silence they finally began to have their heart-to-heart.

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