26. "I Lose."

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(DeviantArt: Rivayno)
Hinata had no plans to go to school, staying in bed several minutes after her alarm clock went off and having half a mind to call in sick from all her classes. She stared up at the ceiling, both lips turned down and tears rolling down both eyes. She was right back at square 1 with Naruto! Why couldn't this go easy for her? Maybe she should've just ignored him as her first mind told her to or maybe she should've just used her teen years to get over him. Everything was too much on her and she didn't wanna see or talk to anybody at school. Hell, she didn't even wanna go back to her last class for personal reasons, he scared her and she didn't like the feeling of someone abusing their power over someone lower than them.

TenTen came into her room and gave her a look with both hands on her hips. "Don't look at me like that." She sat on her bed on her side and continued looking at her. "I just don't understand why this is so hard." Tenny exhaled softly. "If you think it's too hard then you should just let it go." Hinata's heart sank. "I know but I can't-I just wanna make sure that I put my all into it before just forgetting about it." Tenny exhaled deeply. "But you blocked him." Yeah, she did but only because the situation became too stressful for her. She'd unblock him after she knew what to say to him so until then he's in tough luck.

"I'll unblock him... whenever I feel the time is right, which isn't right now." After talking for a while, they both got up, doing their skin care routines, brushing their teeth, and putting on their clothes for the day. "Woah!" Tenny looked at her phone on the weather app. "It's 98 degrees." They both quickly changed outta the pants and shirt they had worn, throwing on a pair of comfortable stretchy shirts and shorts. Putting on some tan lotion in the process. While walking out Hinata slapped TenTen's bottom, complimenting her body. "Where did this ass come from, bestie?" She giggled and shook it a little. "I think Gaara has something to do with that." Hinata stopped Tenny in her tracks. "Uh-uh don't give him all of the credit." She smiled speaking in a playful tone. "Well, I do squats sometimes too." They laughed and fanned themselves as they walked to Tenny's car. "I hope today goes well," Hina said.

xOxOxOxOxOxOxO Naruto barely got any sleep last night

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Naruto barely got any sleep last night. Tossing and turning in his bed & smelling the sweet scent that was left on his pillow from his Sugar Pop. He downloaded a lot of alternative phone apps, calling & texting her only to be met with a block. Why was she ignoring him? His chest was tight and his head hurt. He woke up in cold sweat, shivering badly from her absence and feeling sick from her blockings. This must've been how she felt when he kept blocking her and the feeling was horrible! He didn't feel like going to morning practice since he had little energy but he sucked it up and decided to go anyway, maybe he could distract himself from this fucking tragedy. While the guys were downstairs after putting on their clothes Naruto couldn't help but ask about Hinata when talking to Lee & Kiba. "So now you wanna ask about her after being gone all day and making her wait?" Kiba didn't hide his dislike for him nor did he sugarcoat the way he felt about the situation. Naruto just rolled his eyes. "What about you Lee? Has she been texting or calling you?" He continued eating his apple. "Nope." He pierced his eyes at the two. Finally, when they were all in their cars Sasuke looked over at Naruto with bewilderment. "Damn you got bags under your eyes." The frazzled blonde gripped the steering wheel harder, keeping his eyes on the road with a dark look. "Didn't get that much sleep last night," He mumbled. Sasuke turned his attention back to the phone and criticized his best friend in his head. Was he really all this fucked up? Over some chick? He acted pitifully. His damn feelings couldn't be hurt that bad. This was just new to him, Naruto never acted like this before, and personally, he and Sasuke came across way prettier girls than his 'Sugar Pop' and he still wasn't acting like some long lost sick love puppy. "Maybe practice will make you feel better."'
"Uzumaki!" Coach Jiraiya called him over after practice ended. Once he made it over to him, he was huffing and puffing heavily, both hands on his hips with sweat dripping down his forehead and stomach. "I don't know what the hell is going on with you but your game today was terrible." He spoke in a disappointing tone. "Sorry coach." That wasn't enough for the burly guy. "Don't be sorry, be better." Naruto shifted his eyes to the side and then back at him, knowing that what he was saying is true but not wanting to hear it. "You're one of my best players, and we have a game coming up this fall. You need to be ready." He placed both his hands on his shoulders speaking words of motivation to him. "I won't have you slacking off, so starting next week you'll be talking to the college's counselor, getting whatever hunch you have off your chest." Naruto swallowed and nodded. "Hit the showers."
When TenTen and Hinata made it to Mr. Hatake's class they read the sticky note stuck to the door. Due to the heat, we'll be attending class in the auditorium.
They looked at each other and cheered, walking back to Tenny's car to put their bags up. On their way to the auditorium, some guys were whistling at them, stating their flattering remarks about the 2 girls. It was annoying! They couldn't even wear a certain pair of clothes without ppl thinking it was for the attention of some pervy guys. "Gosh, they're annoying!" TenTen irritatedly said while rolling her eyes. "Yeah." Hinata agreed, drinking her water. "They really are." When they made it to the auditorium all of the other students that were with their partners were having indistinctive convos and TenTen winked at Hina going over to Gaara and when she did she had to fight him off her. "Stop~" he kept on trying to kiss her neck and rub her bottom. "Gaara-focus." He bit his bottom lip and stared at her. "How am I supposed to when you're looking like this?" That deep voice of his always made her melt.

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