23. Wanting Answers

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Naruto couldn't wait to see Hinata today, yesterday he sent her a lot of msgs and she kept leaving him on read! But since he would be seeing her in class today she would have no chance of ignoring him.

He was short on luck when she had to sit at the back of the class due to not having seats available in the front, which made him pissed for the whole 2 hrs.

And noticing that punk Toneri staring at Hinata got him fired up even more, so when class was over he made it his mission to wait in the front for her but the professor called her when she was walking out.

"Miss Hyuga, can you stay for a minute?" The rest of the students passed her but Naruto stayed, making him stare confusingly at the blonde guy. "Is your last name Hyuga?" He broke the silence by asking a rhetorical question and Naruto bit his tongue this time, saying nothing, flaring his eyebrows as he slowly walked out. Kakashi got up from his desk and shut the door, locking it and closing the blinds.

Naruto stood on the outside at the side of the door, eyes getting wide and anger pumping in his veins.

Hinata already knew what this was about but she waited until the professor spoke up, leaning on the back of his desk. "I wanted to talk to you alone."

"Well, I'm all alone now... so..." They glared at each other trying to read the other's expressions and quite frankly this was doing nothing but wasting Hinata's time, she didn't wanna have this conversation with him or even be here! Not with the way her emotions were running high. "How was your weekend?"

She skipped the small talk and got straight to the point. "Cut the bullshit, what do you want?"
He did exactly that, standing straight in front of her, towering over her short stature. "Are you gonna report what you saw?" Oh, she thought about it! If it was gonna ruin that bitch for how mean she's been to her and for how much an arse, he's been toward her. "Why would I? She's an adult and so are you."

He cocked his head slightly, narrowing his eyes. "I mean it is consensual... right?"
Kakashi knew damn well that she was being sarcastic, using that conniving tone as a way to mock him. "Unless you feel I should report. After all, those student/teachers relationships can get... a bit messy, wouldn't ya say, Mister Hatake?" She slightly pulled on his tie and fixed his collars before looking up at him, staring deeply into his eyes. Hinata has leverage over him and he knows it.

"Just tell me what you want. Money? A car? New clothes? A new phone?" His words didn't sound genuine but they did sound like promising suggestions, too bad for him this didn't move her at all. Saying 1 last sentence before walking away. "I'll think about it." But she didn't get away because he grabbed her arm, jerking her back from moving.

"Don't fuck around, Hinata." He bent down to her face, directly in front of it. "You're playing a dangerous game." He said the last part quietly, looking at her with darkness, tightening his grip.

Hinata gazed at him with a serious expression, rising 1 of her eyebrows, and then yanking her arm back. "It was nice talking to you, Mr. Hatake." She walked outta his classroom with confidence in her step but as soon as she was out, she took a deep breath. Was that asshole threatening her over what she saw? It wasn't even that serious, to begin with.
When she started walking toward the exit she felt a hand going over her mouth & she began shivering while being pulled away, and when they ended up in the single-occupant bathroom she quickly dug in her bag and pepper sprayed the predator but soon after she regretted it. "Ow! What the fuck, Sugar Pop?"

"Naruto?" Her chest heaved, her eyes bucked & hands clutched her shirt. "Wha-What the fuck are you doing?" He kept his hands over his face, due to the immense burning pain in his eyes. "My eyes are on fucking fire!" He screeched at the top of his lungs.

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