3. Two Worlds Being Shattered

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Hinata joined her family downstairs as they all got ready for supper that her mother has prepared

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Hinata joined her family downstairs as they all got ready for supper that her mother has prepared.

When they got done saying grace her father began to speak to her and her other siblings.

"Neji how is junior year treating you?"

They all passed the dishes back & forth to each other while grabbing their food to place it on their plate.

"It's going well, father. I'm on top of all of my classes and I'm doing extracurriculars."

His mother placed a kiss on his forehead as she went into the kitchen.
"Proud of you Neji Teddy." She said softly.

He smiled as he felt the genuine love from her.

"Do you have a new attitude for the 8th grade?"
He asked Hinata while keeping his attention on her.

"Yes, father I know that it will be nothing like how it was in the 7th. I'm studying with a tutor after school and I'm reading at a 9th-grade level."

Her father nodded in proud acceptance.

He turned toward his last born. "Hanabi Bunny." He said that in a cute loving way gaining her attention.

Her face was stuffed with food. "Yes, daddy?" Their mom came back out and returned to her seat.

"You are just so cute I could eat you up." She stated to her baby girl as she finally began eating.

"Do you like 2nd-grade dear?" She picked up her cup and began gulping down her juice. "I love it!"

Her voice was high and squeaky. "I don't have to be around a bunch of kids anymore."

This caused him to choke up a lil bit and laugh which caused her mom and older siblings to laugh as well.

She began to pout as her face formed a frown.

"Hey! I'm being serious! I'm not a kid anymore!" The fact that her voice was so high and squeaky made it even more hilarious that she was serious.

Her father pointed his fork at her "now that's the drive that I love to see princess!"

Neji spoke back up. "Speaking of driving father don't you think it's time for me to get a car?"

His father still ate his meal. "Yeah as soon as you can tell me when you got behind the wheel."

He sat quietly for a bit before he answered him he had been sneaking and driving both of his parent's cars whenever they were sleeping and some of his friends from school's parents let him drive their cars from time to time. "Well, uh... Dad."

His father looked up from his plate and looked his way. "Spit it out, son." He inhaled and then spoke.

"I've been behind the wheel plenty of times ahem." He said as he cleared his throat.

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