31. Officially Over

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"What the hell was that Naruto? First love? First love? Unless you've been cheating on me with that bitch since high school then there's no such thing!" The angry pink head sneered at him with a heavy breath. "I know you only said that just to get back at me! She's not your first love, she's just some slut that you had your little fun with while we were taking a break!" Naruto couldn't do anything but laugh at her ridiculous remarks.

He must admit if it's one thing that Sakura is, it's being bold. But she had no room to talk and he wasn't gonna stand by with her disrespecting his woman another damn second. "Is her pussy better than mines? Or does she ride you better?" She genuinely asked with concern churning in the back of her throat. "Is it because her tits are bigger than mine? Does she give you better head? Or is it something that you feel more comfortable doing with her than me?"

He laughed again but this time childishly. "Answer me! I wanna know! You owe me that much!" His chuckles were pissing her off and the loud snorts that filled her room did nothing but more damage to her heart. Was this the end? Were they gonna be over? Like for real this time? "Stop fucking laughing!" He calmed down on the laughing and he cleared his breath. "Okay, fine." She gawked at him with rage, not taking her green orbs off him, not even for a second! "She is my first love, my real first love."

Both her eyebrows arched downward and her lips held straight lines. "That bitch can't be your first love! I don't believe you!" He snapped a serious look at her and grabbed both of her cheeks with a tight grip, squeezing them together as he talked through his gritted teeth. "Call her out of her name again and you won't be able to walk for at least a month! I'll snap your goddamn legs, Sakura!" He then threw her whole body down on the bed with one push and she instantly began tearing up. "She means that much to you that you'll threaten me?" She asked sadly, keeping her head down and feeling her heart snap.

"That was a promise." He seriously answered with a cold tone and her shoulders bobbed while she cried. "Now, you must be wondering how she's my first love." He crossed his arms and went back over to her room door, leaning his shoulders against it. "Here's the short answer. Before I moved to The Konoha Village I met my pretty girl when I was just a mere 6 years of age and she was 5. Ever since we met at the park we became friends which turned into best friends, that eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend..." He trailed off thinking about that very 1st time they met each other. "She's my first kiss, my first hug, and my first love." Sakura's heart broke into 2. "But I'm your first fuck!" She yelled out to him. "Actually, no. Fuka is my first fuck."

She gasped at the sudden reveal. "Am... I your first at anything?" She asked him in a soundless voice while keeping her head at her feet. "Yeah, you are. We had our first threesome together, we did drugs together for the first time, we went to the club together, and we started drinking liquor together." He smirked when he thought about their memories. "But I wanna do some new things with Hina." He shrugged. "Naruto, she's inexperienced! You've already done most of everything under the sun. That's not fair to her, you need to let her go and get some experiences of her own."

He hated the mention of her from Sakura but she was right. But that didn't matter to him right now! He would re-experience some things just to get back close to his baby. "Anyways, I officially made up my mind. We're over, I'm done. Don't fuck with Hinata! This is the first and last time I'm gonna tell you." He glared at her with a serious look on his face. He twisted the doorknob on her bedroom door, slightly opening it but then he turned around once more. "Oh, and tell Kakashi I said you're all his... he can have you all to himself." She froze when he said that and he turned back around, walking out of the room. "You better not fuck with her either you nosey little bitch." Naruto gave Ino a dirty look while exiting their dorm.
"Um..." Hinata was trying to talk to Toneri while they sat in his car but he kept trying to touch her, hands sliding over her thighs and then back up to her breast but she slapped his hands away. "Toneri." She sneered, sending him a warning. "What?" He laughed lightly and began being a bit rougher with her, pulling her onto his lap and clasping both of her breasts in his hands. "Toneri, stop!"

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