7. The Next Spring Break

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It was now spring break and Naruto was walking home with his main crew Sasuke, Ino, and Sakura.

"What are you guys' plans for spring break?"
Ino asked them as they walked.

"Well I don't know about you losers but I'm going to Shino's beach party," Sasuke answered.

"I hear he throws the best parties every year."
Ino said while applying some lipgloss.

"Wait you got invited?" Naruto wondered.

Sasuke slid his hands into his pockets.
"Of course not! I'm crashing it."

Ino and Sakura shared a side-eyed glance.

"I wish I could crash it with you." Naruto sighed.

This caught Sakura's attention fast.
"Why? Where are you going?" She got close to him.

"I gotta go visit some family and friends back home."

Sasuke blew out a quick breath.
"That's too bad dobe."

Naruto scoffed at him. "Trust me I gotta plan."

He couldn't face seeing Hinata so he was gonna lie to his parents about feeling 'sick' to leave.

They all hit the corner of a stop sign down the street from their school and went their separate ways...

Before Naruto walked off in his direction to home Sakura grabbed him grasping his attention.
"Will you face time me when you get home?"

Naruto nodded yes and then left.

As soon as he got home he saw his parents loading up some things in their car.
"Go get your things Naruto we're leaving soon."

He listened to his mom by going up to his room to grab a book bag with random things inside.

He had it to make it seem like he packed.

Then he went into his parent's room to grab a pair of one of their headphones for his phone.

But he stopped when he saw some pictures that were hung up on the wall.

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