32. Sneaky Things

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"You have the nerve to come in here after breaking my damn leg?" Toneri sneered at Naruto as he closed the door from behind him while walking and sitting down next to the chair beside his hospital bed. "What do you think you have on me and Sasuke? And you're lucky that's all I did for trying to hurt Hina." Toneri swallowed dryly and he scolded Naruto. "Something took over me. I wasn't gonna..." He trailed off because he knew that it was a lie and so did Naruto. "You probably broke my leg." He smirked and Naruto watched him like a hawk anticipating what he was gonna say next. "But I still have proof of you and your roommates harming women."

Naruto kept his facial expression straight as he stared at the ground before setting his eyes back on him. Yes, it was true. He and his roommates did hurt girls but he was 19 and that was way before he decided to go to college. "Outing me is like outing yourself. You don't think I have proof of you doing the same thing?" Toneri gave him a hostile frown. "So we make a deal then. You leave her alone! If I can't have her then neither can you." Naruto chuckled.

"You're fucking insane. There's no way that's gonna happen." He knew he should've broke both of this punk's legs. Suggesting something like that is crazy, he's never gonna leave her alone and she's never gonna date someone else. He'd rather chop off his hands before that ever happens. "Not as insane as you going through initiations for our sorority. Remember all those girls you drugged? I'm only paying them to keep quiet but that won't happen for long. If you wanna continue whatever you think you have with Hina." Naruto quickly ended his laughs.

He could've been in the same sorority with Toneri and the rest of the roommates but after he thought about the shit he did he changed his mind. Naruto's no fool. He knew that drugging girls and taking them against their will was wrong but it didn't matter to him at that time. And he's even liked doing some of those things. But the drugs he took subsided most of the dark desires and he's made a promise to himself that he would never do such reckless shit like that again. "I can't. We made a deal."

Toneri painfully groaned as he leaned up in the hospital bed. "What kind of fucking deal could you two possibly have?" He needed to know when or how in the hell they both came up with some kind of 'agreement'. Naruto didn't answer him right away. He just stared at him with a dead expression and Toneri couldn't detect it.

For a minute Naruto wondered if he could get away with murder. Maybe if he just smothered him with a pillow then his death would be quick and easy- "Hey dickhead! I asked you a question." Naruto's eyes darkened and he finally answered the asshole. "We chose to start over as best friends. That's all you need to know." His tone was rude and short-sighted.

"We don't deserve her." Naruto looked him right in the eyes and so did Toneri. "I've been waiting 10 years for this moment. I do deserve her!" Now Toneri was the one chuckling. "That's bullshit and you know it."

Naruto eyes squinted and he stood up & moved closer to the hospital bed. "Inform me." They still stared at each other in the eyes, intensely. "What were you doing while she was gone? If I'm not mistaken the very first week she entered our school you were out fucking random girls." Naruto was becoming agitated and spiteful. "We both were!"

Toneri directed the same tone at him. "Exactly! You weren't thinking about her! You never even knew that she was coming here. And let's face it. You'll never be done with Sakura. My baby doesn't need that heartbreak!"

Naruto balled his fists up and yanked him by his hospital gown. "She's not your baby!" They both were interrupted by their heated discussion when the door opened and they both turned their heads to see Gaara and Sasuke. "We need to talk." Gaara seriously said to them both. "Yeah, it's important." Sasuke followed up behind him.
"Who do you think broke his leg?" Tenny gave Hinata a lopsided look. "Um, why do you care? He tried to rape you, remember?" She reminded her in an obvious tone. "I..." Hina started before going quiet. She didn't know why she was still worried about him either after what he did. "I don't know." She shrugged. "Sure, what he did is horrible but-"

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