25. Morning After *Long*

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The clock struck 9 as Hinata and Naruto slept in bed together peacefully. Both breathing patterns were slow and steady, as her back was against his chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, and her hair was rumpled while his stuck to the pillow. They were snuggled deeply under the cover as she unconsciously moved her cold feet in btwn his warm legs, causing him to groan noiselessly and shift his body more towards hers. A smile plastered across her face as if she were awake and he buried his head deeper into her neck, inhaling deeply, taking in her scent and smirking cheekily at the sweet smell.

When the door swung open Naruto cocked his head up, scrunching his lips and eyes halfway open to see that asshole and dog breath. "What the fuck." He spoke gruffly in a sleepy tone, taking a look at his sugar pop, pleased to see that she was still sleeping, and then shifting his heavy eyes back to those 2.

His blue orbs shot them with daggers over 100 times when they just stood there, saying nothing. "Um, what the fuck do you guys want?" Naruto's energy got exasperated when he was becoming more conscious because he could've still been sleeping greatly with his baby and he spoke quietly to not wake Hinata up. Dog breath gave him a sly smile, placing his hands on his knees and mockingly taunting him with a morning insult.

"I hope you got enough sleep punk." After he said that he clapped his hands loudly in Hinata's ear, causing her to wake up. "Kiba!!" She already knew that was him, he's been waking her up this like since forever! Making her turn her face away from him with both eyes still closed.

"What the fuck!" Sasuke shot his eyes open looking over to Naruto's bed to see what woke him up. "I hate being disturbed in my fucking sleep!" His jaw clenched as he looked at the 3 guys with hate. Grunting while he got up to use the bathroom & slamming the door shut. Naruto rolled his eyes at him before turning his attention back to the 2 idiots.

Lee snatched the cover off of them revealing Hinata's sleeping attire which appeared to be one of Naruto's shirts. He and Kiba inspected her from top to bottom, making sure that the shirt stayed past her knees and wasn't being tampered with. Naruto yelled at the 2 for ruining his meditation. "Are you 2 outta your fucking minds?" Kiba swooped Hinata up to her feet, making Naruto boost up on top of his going straight to the door where Kiba was pulling Hinata out of. Lee placed his hand on Naruto's chest, stopping him from following after them. "We need to talk to her."

Naruto didn't hear a word he said, keeping his eyes on Hinata and trying to push past Lee. "Alone!" Lee said as he pushed him roughly before going into the room he shared with Kiba but Naruto still followed them, turning the doorknob to get in but once he saw the door was locked his back hit the wall, his arms crossed his chest, & his face frowned.
Hinata sat on Lee's bed, rubbing the crust from her eyes and trying to get the grogginess out of her head. Lee & Kiba eyed her like some child in time out and when she was finally up & alerted, she looked at the 2 silently waiting for them to speak. "Care to explain why you're sleeping here, in Naruto's room, in his bed, alone, with the door closed?"

She squinted her brows while giving them a blank look. Because you should mind your business that's why! Kiba turned to the door and bad-mouthed Naruto. "Nobody's fucking speaking to you!" Lee suspiciously looked at Hina, waiting on an answer. "Well?"

She took a deep breath, folding her hands on her lap as she answered. "We talked and... I decided to stay the night." Kiba and Lee shared a quick look. "When?" Kiba chimed in, "yeah, and where?"

She exhaled again. "Last night at a diner." Lee took in a sharp breath, placing his hands on his hips, and slowly shook his head from side to side. "So you're gonna go back to the same guy that hurt you?" He was disappointed, all those times back then when he had to listen to her cry and be in pain over how Naruto played her when he moved away was hell for him! He weathered the storm with her and promised himself that he would never let that blonde hair son of a bitch hurt her so badly again.

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