36. Resolving Issues... Maybe? *Long*

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After about an hour of a long hot shower, steaming the bathroom up, and wetting & washing her hair about 10 times.

She finally felt somewhat better but not all of the way. She & her bestie decided to spend the night since Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, & Kiba wouldn't let them leave anyways.

"About time you got outta the shower, what the fuck were you doing in there? Fingering yourself?" The dark-head raven man was annoyed with her.

He irritatingly spoke to her with an obvious rude undertone and she had enough of it. He and his disrespectful comments were unnecessary and she didn't understand why he always acted that way.

She would've thought that he was Naruto's gf by the way he acts...

"I am sick of you. Shut up! Don't say shit else to me!" She gave him a facial expression of some meanness. But he wasn't fazed by it not even in the slightest. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" She ignored him by slipping into Naruto's comfortable bed and letting the big warm cover warm her body.

"Don't think for a second that you're special. I've seen bitches come and go. And you, Sugar Popsicle will be no exception."

He was so smug about it and it sent her over the edge. "You're just mad that I'm his first love!" She balled her fists & held an evil glare on her face the entire time. He returned the same look only darker.

His eyes squinted and he approached her slowly. Almost as if she was live bait. "Naruto has a certain appetite that I know you can't satisfy. You don't have it in you to be his girlfriend." She kept her eyes on him. Getting out of bed and standing straight up to get to the bottom of whatever he was talking about.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"
Her hands clutched her hips as she shifted her body weight to the left leg.

He completely closed the gap between them and intensely eyed her as his face never left hers either. Repeating himself.

"You don't have what it takes to be his girlfriend. Naruto is not the same little 'Pacific Ocean' he was when you two were kids. He changed. He's a man now and half the stuff he's into would be enough to send you to a mental hospital..."

The angered dark violet-haired babe was playing it tough but deep down inside she was scared to death.

What was this asshole gonna say?
He's a cheater? He does drugs?
He's into hardcore sex that could potentially harm her? She wanted no- she needed to know.

"Why do you wanna split us up so bad? Are you two dating or something?" He tried being formal with her but that just pushed him to the limit. He grabbed both sides of her jaw and roughly squeeze making her wince.

"I'm telling you right now you better leave him alone and stick to just being the girl in his past." Her fight or flight mode kicked in causing her to hit him in the chest repeatedly while swinging her arms like a mad woman.

Sasuke wasn't hurting not in the least and he had no issues letting her know that. "Your hits are weak." He said smugly.

So she stepped back and lowered her eyes giving him a look of disapproval with an expression of determination.

"Awww, what is it? Gonna cry or something?" He was teasing her at this point. He did the same to Sakura and she'd go crying to Naruto so maybe it would be the same for her too...

She balled her fists again and shut her eyes tightly while inhaling deeply and exhaling deeply. His aggravating words played in the back of her mind over & over and she had enough of it.

When the irritated violet-dark-haired babe opened her eyes once again she stood on her tippy toes and gave him a hard slap across his right cheek which turned his head to the other side from the force.

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