17. Seeing Each Other Again: Part 2

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They had a guest bathroom downstairs that came with a shower. Hinata began undressing stripping everything.

Naruto entered without knocking.
"Here's a shirt and some boxers-"

She gasped when she saw him and quickly covered her breasts though she wasn't uncomfortable.

Luckily for her, she still had on her underwear which was a g-string.

There was nothing more he wanted to do other than slam her up against the wall & fuck her senseless until she couldn't take it anymore.

He began smiling uncomfortably.
(Y'know that infamous cute stupid smile. 😊)

She stood in place with her face flushed as both of her cheeks became incredibly red.

He gulped & broke the silence.
"Sorry for barging in on you like that... Uh, here ya go." He reached his arms out to her handing her the clothes but what was she gonna do? Uncover her breast & grab them?
She shyly chewed her bottom lip.

So he quickly drew them back and placed them on the sink counter. Hurriedly leaving out of there, closing the door shut as his back leaned against the wall, while he breathed heavily.

You would've thought that he ran laps around the football field.

His heart thudded so hard against his chest he thought it would burst through.

Only she could make him feel this way...

Only she could make him blush...

Only she could make him feel nervous...

Only she could hurt his feelings...

Only she could make his heart sing...

Only she could make him truly happy...

Only she besides his mother, owned his heart.

Down to the very beat...

His one & only...

His first love...

His sugar pop...
The time was now 10:30 pm and she was fresh outta the shower.

All of the guys were still upstairs doing whatever they were doing. This made Hinata mad as she kept going back to that memory of that random girl.

Is this what he did in his spare time? Fuck random girls? Was he even using condoms? How many of em did he or was having sex with???

She always dreamt of them 2 losing their virginities together.

This was an insecurity of hers...

A grown woman at the age of 23, has never even had sex or come close to being intimate with a man.

The only thing she ever did was kiss and finger herself just twice.

Pathetic right?

She folded her clothes and placed them on the sink counter.

Now wearing his shirt, which was gigantic & long on her. Stopping right below her knees.

But it was a good thing that his briefs weren't all that big on her. It looked like she had on booty shorts, even though they were just a tad bit tight but altogether she was very comfortable in them.
She heard a knock on the bathroom door and opened it.

Naruto had his eyes covered but she let him know it was okay for him to open them now, so he did.

"Were you... waiting outside the entire time?"
She began playing with her hair while her blushing deeply.

Once I Saw You Again (NaruHina Romance) Where stories live. Discover now