28. Coming To An Agreement

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~ A Couple Of Hrs Before ~

"Hey, you can't just leave the class if you're not going to the bathroom." Naruto ignored him while continuing to walk to the exit. Oh! So she's 'sick'? Not 'feeling well'? BULLSHIT! All of this was total bullshit! So after flirting with Toneri in front of him, blocking and deleting his phone number, ignoring and blocking even more of his fake texting apps numbers & his roommate's phone numbers she had the nerve to NOT show up at school today? Even Sakura has never pulled this shit on him and she's a manipulative person.

But HINATA? This bitch got his head spinning in circles! Each step he took stomped beneath his feet marching right to his car and speeding off to his dorm once he started it. When he got home, he marched up the stairs to he and Sasuke's room. Jumping in the shower for a quick wash up, getting out and drying off, putting on some lotion, and changing his clothes. He wore an all-black jogger outfit, black combat boots, and a black cap that covered his eyes. Being sure to grab the pocket knife out of his drawer and head out the door again. He had something for her!

After driving smoothly to the location, he parked his car about a street away from her apartment. In another apartment complex and then he walked over to the building she stayed in. Naruto found out where she stayed a week after they saw each other again for the 1st time after a long time. He waited in his car and followed Hinata and TenTen when they pulled out. Keeping some distance between them. During the drive, they got separated by a car but he was still on their tail. The drive was about 15 minutes away from the dorm and when they pulled into the parking lot of their apartment building he did the same, parking in another section of the place.

They were in part B and he parked in part C. It was a good thing he had tinted windows so no one could see him. When they walked into the building he got out of his car and ran over to the main door, pressing random buttons to get in, and when he pressed 8b Hinata spoke. "Who is it?" Once that was confirmed he left. There was no way she could ever dodge him now, he knows where she lays her head at. You're all mine Sugar Pop. He drove back to his dorm in satisfaction.

Once he made it there he was in luck because someone was coming out and he quickly ran to the main door before it closed all the way. And once he was in, he slowly crept up to the apartment number. Looking over to his left and right, making sure that no one saw him. Pulling out his pocket knife and picked the lock with it. Succeeding in the action after 2 minutes. After putting his knife back in his pocket he slowly turned the doorknob and carefully cracked the door open. His forehead dripped with sweat when he saw some dude walking up to the door. "Pizza delivery."

He quickly flicked a smile and pulled out his wallet. "How much?" The guy pulled the food out of the delivery bag while telling him the price. "$15.87, sir." Naruto didn't have any 20s on him so he gave him a 50-dollar bill. "Keep the change." When he grabbed the food he watched the dude walk off, going down the stairs and exiting the main door again. Soon after, he slowly entered the apartment. Quietly shutting the door & locking it while looking around the place. The living room was clear and straight ahead was their kitchen. The light was off and appeared to be untouched so he quietly slipped off his shoes and walked the food over to the counter, sitting it down gently.

He heard nothing which was weird because her car was out in the parking lot. Each small step  he took was exciting and scary. Carefully making his way through the hallway, passing a hallway closet and when he looked straight ahead he saw a bathroom. Quietly walking a little more ahead he looked over to his right, leaning in a bit and glancing around the empty room. Seeing that it isn't hers and then he looked over to the left. Muscles twitching at the sight of the open door. His heart hammered, more beams of sweat dripped off his forehead, and his eyes bulged outta his head. He dryly swallowed as he entered her room silently and deliberately.

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