12. Old Feelings... (after seeing naru)

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She couldn't help but to cry into her pillows and feel that burning ache in her heart after that incident she had with Naruto. Why would the higher power be this cruel to her right now out of all the times? Especially at a time like this? She thought that she had gotten over her first love 8 years ago! But seeing him earlier just confirmed that it was all a big floozy.

How could she hang on to someone who was nothing but a memory from her childhood? Didn't she realize that real life was nothing like a movie? Couldn't she figure out that people don't get those happy endings with a prince charming coming to rescue them as how they do in love stories? Couldn't she see?!?

After she saw him sitting at the bus stop on her spring break she asked his parents for his number and of course, they gave it away with no problems.

She called and called and called but had no answer. So she just said fuck it and wasted no time in being excited about going to some guy name Shino's party.

She got pretty hammered alongside her best friend TenTen, who Lee & Kiba looked out for that night. Before slumping inside the back of Lee's car she had the craziest thought swearing to herself that she had just seen Naruto once again. But Lee & Kiba just told her that she was drunk and 'seeing things'. She just went on to accept it knowing that this was her very first time having too much to drink, way more than she could handle at that specific part of the time.

After she was sobered up from a hangover the next day she called his number back finding it to not ring this time. So she called from TenTen's phone finding it to ring and him answering! She tried to talk but he instantly knew her voice and hung right the hell up.

She wrote him and he didn't write back.
She called his parents and he did come to the phone only for her to be brought with a clicking sound.
She even made an Instagram following him only to be rewarded with a block, not seeing his page again.

She knew it was wrong to be obsessed with him like this but what could she do? How could she feel??

She yearned for him.
She desperately needed him.
His touch, his kiss, his voice, his eyes, his presence.
She just wanted, no needed to be next to him again!

Wishing that she could rewind the time back to way before he had to move far, far away from her.
She was finally done crying not wanting to let the tears from her eyes fall any longer and then she picked up her phone to search Naruto's Ig page.

This was a new page that she hadn't officially set up. It was shocking to see that he still had the username from long ago, the first time she ever searched for it.

She began going through his public page.

Spike 🤘
I'ma man whore 🤷‍♂️ 2 girls own my heart❣️

After b-ball practice

After b-ball practice

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