20. Let The Games Begin

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When the girls made it home Hinata took a nice hot shower and they began to have a girl talk. "I'm sorry that I worried you I didn't know that my phone had died," Hinata explained as she snuggled in her warm fuzzy blanket.
"Don't ever worry me like that again," TenTen told her. "By the way how did Toneri even see you?" She was still puzzled about that & thought that it was a bit creepy. "He said he saw me in my car while he was driving past." TenTen narrowed her eyes at that. "I still can't believe Naruto called you that you should've cut him." She was pissed off for Hinata because who was he to call her a 'slut' when he was the biggest slut of them all! Gaara told her all about him & his festivities during their pillow talks. Guys can be... disgusting.

"I should've just slept on the couch but it was so uncomfortable," Hinata said quietly but she quickly changed the subject. "So... how was sex with Gaara?" TenTen's cheeks became rosy before she squealed. "It was amazing!" She started, "O-M-G Hinata his dick is so big." She described the length with 2 fingers. "He's like this long." She closed her eyes & leaned back on the couch while puffing out a satisfied breath. "And it's soooo thick." She inhaled deeply, "I'm getting turned on just from thinking about it, heh sex is... great Hina."
She kept her eyes shut for a bit longer before opening them again.

Though Hinata was happy for her she felt a little underwhelmed by it all because she's been wanting to lose hers for so long now.

TenTen leaned back up smiling ear to ear. "I can hook you up with Hidan he's been asking about you." Hinata didn't say anything. "Or do you wanna hold out for him?" She asked lastly.
Monday came and Tuesday & then the rest of the days.

That whole week Naruto has been trying to get Hinata's attention but he failed every time until it was time for ppl to pair up in Mr. Hatake's class for a project & Sakura ambushed him into being her partner. He noticed Hinata giving them glances so he took advantage of it. If this was the only way he could get her to pay any attention to him then he would do it plus she was pretty jealous which made him happy. He would wrap his arms around her, sit her on his lap, & give her kisses on her lips and neck.

Just last Sunday he even dm'd TenTen to get Hinata's number but she kept texting him back no, all the time.

He didn't wanna use his ex to make her jealous but how else was he gonna get her to so much as look at him? Things were going according to plan but on Friday he took it too far. On the last day of the project, the professor let them finish outside & then he graded them.

While out there, Naruto sat right behind Hinata, pulling her hair, pushing her shoulders a lil, and whispering her name over & over.
Sugar pop stop ignoring me.

When he failed to get her to say anything he laid backwards on the side of her with his arms crossed behind his head & just stared at her which he knew she felt his eyes burning over her whole existence.

She would blush & he felt prideful at that, no matter how much she ignored him she would still squirm whenever he was around & flush whenever he spoke to her. It was time to cut the bullshit & go in for the kill. He was gonna say something to her but Sakura jumped on top of him and started tongue kissing him. But before she did she bumped into Hinata on purpose she wanted another fight but Hinata wouldn't give her the satisfaction this time.

She just rolled her eyes & scooted over but ofc Sakura had to be smug abt it.

Hey, Hinata. Causing her to whip her head in the annoying's bitch face. Watch me kiss the shit outta him. And then she did just that.

This really did hurt Hinata's feelings but she wouldn't show them that at all. But lil did she know Naruto was just using her for his game.
It was now Saturday & someone from 1 of the girl's sororities was renting out one of the many halls that surrounded the college, to throw a Marvel & DC party so Hinata & TenTen decided to go to let loose & blow off some steam.

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