16. Seeing Each Other Again

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"I just don't get why you 2 are fighting so much..." TenTen said with a slight hint of genuine worry in her voice.

They were done studying and just began to gathering their things. "I thought that you would've been immensely happy to see him again."

They began walking to TenTen's car but Hinata stayed silent& TenTen was getting ready to pull off when someone ran up.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait up!"

They both looked at him as he approached the driver's side & TenTen rolled down her window. "What's up Juggy?"

He bent his back to look at them both. "I need you to hack something for me."

TenTen quickly began shifting her eyes around, turning her head in motion.
"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

He smacked his lips, rolling his eyes. "Look, I'll dm you on Insta." After he told her that he looked at Hinata. "You must be... Hinata right?" He asked & she nodded.

"I've been hearing that you're awesome with math, do you think you could tutor me?"
She didn't answer him right away.
"Look... I don't know-"
"I'll pay you!"
That's all she needed to hear! "I'll tutor you."

He handed her a paper with his phone number & his dorm address written on it and then he patted the top of the car before walking away & then he walked away, and she drove off.

"So... who's he?" Hinata asked.

TenTen had her eyes focused on the rd. "Oh, that's just Jugo. We're in computer science together."
Hinata has been tutoring Jugo for 3 days now and it was finally the weekend.

She's been really missing Naruto as she hasn't been seeing him that much. Not anywhere on campus or in the Humanities class.

Had he been avoiding her?

"You should come to my dorm," Jugo told her, as he gathered his books, along with his notebook up as he stood.

"Today's Friday..." She said to him confusingly.

"I know but you still have to test me. My roommates will be there but they'll be with their friends."

She looked at him lifting an eyebrow.
"Their friends are girls and they won't bother us I promise."

Hinata agreed to it.
"I just gotta go home and change."

She went home and to her surprise, Tenny wasn't there.

"Where could she be?"
She called her but she didn't answer so she texted her instead.

👭💕- Hey where are u?
👭💕- I'm going to jug's dorm
👭💕- Now sharing location
She made it there and some guy answered the door.

"Hmm, you look like you don't belong here." He smirked at her.

"... Is Jugo here? I'm here to tutor him."

Her body got a lil stiff and her mouth went a lil dry. "I'll take you right up to him sweetheart."

He gently grabbed her hand, closed the door behind him, and led her up to the bedroom they shared.


Jugo got up from his gaming desk and greeted Hinata. But Suigetsu quickly pulled him outta the room. "What's a girl like that doing here?" His face was stern & his tone was serious.

Jugo smacked his hand off his shoulder before barging back into the room.

"Just mind your business."
Hinata actually had nothing to worry about because they didn't do anything but study and he never made her feel uncomfortable.

Once I Saw You Again (NaruHina Romance) Where stories live. Discover now