4. Trying To Keep The Pact

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Good morning ocean eyes! She said happily into the phone as she made her way to school.

Good morning sugar pop.
He said back to her feeling a bit sluggish and tired.

She blushed as she heard his voice.

Even though it's only been a yr since she saw him his voice has gotten deep it sounded like she was talking to someone else other than her long-time boyfriend.

Everything alright? She asked with a bit of worry.

Yeah, everything is alright I'm just a lil tired. He yawned. Look I'll call you later ok?

He told her to have a nice day and kissed her through the phone before he hung up and so did she.

She hung up feeling a bit defeated because they both barely had time for each other anymore.

Whenever he was available she was busy and it was the same thing for her as well.

Maybe texting and talking and writing letters weren't enough to make a relationship last after all.

"Hey, Hina Banana what's wrong?"
Her best friend TenTen asked her when she came and sat next to a desk beside her.

Even though those two only met last year which was at the end of the year they grew incredibly close.

It was as if God sent her, her own personal angel for the most difficult time of her life & she was grateful.

"Me and Naruto only get to talk to each other like 2 times out the whole week. He's always busy..."

She said that in a sad tone looking away as she got out her notebook and homework.

Her shoulders shrugged and she began rubbing the back of her neck. "It's like we're growing apart."

TenTen rubbed her shoulder in support.
"Maybe you two need to see each other I got the hookup if you wanna do it."

Her best friend was a hacker she was pretty good at it too at her young age.

Hinata smiled lightly. "I'll think about it."

They both quickly focused their attention on the teacher who began to speak. "Alright, class."

"I expect you all to have your reports in by next week so get it done!" The bell rang and the students began leaving out of the classroom

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"I expect you all to have your reports in by next week so get it done!" The bell rang and the students began leaving out of the classroom. "Mr. Uzumaki!"

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