19. The Aftermath

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Hinata only managed to get up the street when she started having a panic attack.

She pulled over on the side of the road to focus on her breathing but that wasn't helping so she grabbed a bottle of pills from her glove department box.

Her hands shook badly when she twisted it open and poured some in her hand but she heard Naruto's voice again calling her a horrible name and saying all those mean things to her.

It was too much to handle.

The pills spilled all over the floor & she began panting and crying.

Someone knocked on the window of her car but she was still panting so they opened the door & began rocking and shushing her while calling the police.

"Hello, yes I need an ambulance to come on Highlands Road quickly, please. Someone is having a panic attack." Luckily for her, the ambulance didn't take long to get there.
The 8 guys talked and smoked. "So she's your first love?" Suigetsu sighed. "Bro, why do you always get all the girls?" He mumbled but Naruto heard him.

"She's not just some 'girl' she's... more than that." Shikamaru was rolling up the 3rd joint. "Hey, Naru I have a serious question for you." They were all in the kitchen looking for snacks to eat.

"What?" He kept his back turned to reach for the 3rd shelf in the cabinet to get some chips.

"What if you never would've seen Hinata again? Would you try to make it work with Sakura?" Naruto grabbed the chips and ripped them open and stuffed his mouth. "I don't get what you're saying." He was munching away.

"Have you ever thought about looking her up and getting back with her once you got older?"

Naruto had to really think about the question.

"Why did you give up on your two's relationship?"

The chips were damn near gone.
"Because I thought that we would never see each other again."

Shikamaru was done rolling the 2nd joint and then he sparked it. "So why didn't you pursue it as time went on?"

Naruto swallowed the last crumbs.
"Or at least keep in touch?"

Sasuke interrupted him by confronting Jugo.
"Bro, why did you upload that pic on Instagram?"

Naruto immediately reacted.
"What?!? Lemme see that!"

He snatched the phone from him and looked at the pic. That fucker really had the nerve to upload that picture on his Ig story.

"I put an emoji over her face."
Jugo really couldn't see what he did wrong.

Naruto was gonna say something else to him but he stopped it before he could.

"She's your 'F-L' but you called her a slut when you thought she slept with Suigetsu... you can't claim to care about someone like that but then hurt their feelings."

Kiba added his 2 cents also.
"Yeah, he's right. Would you still love her the same way if she did sleep with him? Because I doubt that you would."

Naruto just rolled his eyes at both of them.

Truth be told is he did think about her all the time. Even when he first started dating Sakura. Which was 8 years ago.

Sure he got older and thought about reaching out to her but she didn't have an Instagram or a Facebook.

There was a time when he got through her by Neji at 18 when he went to go visit his old friends and her fam.

He set up something for them to meet again at a diner but she never showed up.

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