21. A Good Time/No Remembrance

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Hinata went to the liquor table again & began taking more shots, she maybe what? On shot number 5? At some point, she lost count.

Flashes appeared in front of her dancing with Tenny, them 2 smiling & laughing. Then dancing with a couple of random girls who complimented their looks & outfits. Then she's taking a bathroom break, with some more random girls ogling her body.
Did your nipple piercings hurt?
Followed by more drinking, shots? Light or dark? Beer? She couldn't remember.
"Hina, I think you're too drunk to get on that thing." Tenny laughed, sluggishly standing & she laughed back. "You're drunk too." They both had a lot to drink & were drunkenly laughing.


"Go, go." TenTen gave her a slight push. "Name, sweetheart?" He whispered in her ear & she spinned around for him. "Can't you tell?"

He began speaking into the microphone. "Alright, ladies and gents. We have Miss Harley Quinn taking on the Big Bad Bulllll!"

"Yeah Bestie! Show them you can ride that thang!" Tenny was cheering her on & the crowd was cheering & clapping also.


She jumped on it, almost falling off but she readjusted herself & that's when the ride began.
It started to spin around slowly, going in circles & then switching to the other side.

Some time had passed by & the bull sped up, spinning around faster & moving back and forth. Whoever controlled it knew what they were doing. Her body began to rock & then she started to bounce up & down. All Hinata did was laugh.

But she laughed in bliss. Her skirt rose, showing her thong & her ass. Her breast bobbed up & down as well. She had 1 hand on the handle and the other arm behind her for support. The bull spun around again even faster than before & it moved frantically.

Hinata was riding this thing like a pro, all while having her eyes shut with the biggest smile on her face. She was finally having fun! She felt light, she felt on top of the world! "Yeahhhh, Hina Banana!"

The spotlight was on her & 20 mins had gone by. "Woah! She still hasn't fallen off." The man on the microphone was feeling frisky while watching her. And the guys out in the crowd were biting their lips, some whispering to each other, some rubbing themselves & some recording her with their cell phones. There were even some girls recording her too, some were aroused too & the others only did it to take notes.

But she caught 1 particular eye.
That was her ocean eyes.

He'd been watching her ever since she sat her pretty ass on that damn bull. He was hypnotized by her movements, swearing that everyone else in the place disappeared, just leaving them 2 by themselves. Like she was putting on a personal show just for him & him only. He wishes he was the bull! For a split second, she was riding him!

After that, he quickly snapped outta his daze & felt troubled by the way she had the other guys there staring at her. OH HELL NO!

Finally, after 30 mins she fell off landing straight on her back with her arms above her head. The crowd clapped & scream in appreciation for her.

It felt like the room was spinning so she stayed down for a bit. The man on the microphone quickly named her the bull champ & then he helped her up.

She clutched onto him as she stumbled over her steps. The man wanted to give her his number but that was cut short when Kiba damn near snatched her outta the guy's arms. "Thanks, I'll take it from here." She walked straight until they went outside then she was falling over but he caught her & she sluggishly spoke. "Kiba when did you get beer?"

He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"How'd she get so hammered? It's only 12:30." Lee didn't wanna leave but he wasn't gonna let her stay at a place where she could barely stand either.

"Quit poking me!" Kiba tried dodging her fingers while Hina giggled. "I have TenTen keys but 1 of us has to stay out here in the car with her."

"I want ocean eyes." She began whining. "Who the fuck is that?" Kiba hasn't been this annoyed with her since the 1st time she ever got drunk. Naruto finally appeared outside. "I can stay out in the car with her." Lee & Kiba shared a quick look, having an unspoken convo. "Alright, fine." Lee handed him the keys & Kiba handed her over to him.

"No funny business!"
She woke up with a loud gasp escaping her lips. "Finally, you're up." Tenny was smiling brightly at her. "It feels like my head is being beaten in."
She groaned in pain.

"That's just a hangover sweetie."
She handed her an aspirin & a bottle of water. The water was gulped down & she laid back down.

"How'd I get here last night?" A pale memory flashed in her mind. "You don't remember anything?"
She tried filling the pieces of the puzzles together. "Uh... we went to a party..." Tenny nodded. "We separated from each other."
"Correct..." She had to think long & hard.

"I saw our professor with Sakura." Tenny nodded again. "Yeah, you told me that." Hinata's face was blank. "I was on a bull and I... was... in the car... with Naruto?" She was unsure about her memories.
Mmm. Hinata was riding him.
Fuck baby I'm gonna cum.
He was grunting in pleasure.

"You already did asshole!" Naruto awakened from his slumber. Looking at his morning wood in disbelief feeling the wet stain on his boxer & lifting the cover to see the stain on there too.

He quickly got up & rushed into the shower & Sasuke followed after him. "You kept me up all night with your wet dreams."

He started mocking him. "Aww, yeah. Sugar Pop, you feel so good with me inside of you. Oh fuck. Don't stop, grind on me, baby."

Sasuke could make jokes when he wanted to & when he did he was really funny. He began laughing at himself with toothpaste & a toothbrush in his hand.

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