13. A Pretty Bad Night

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Kiba picked TenTen up with one arm & threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, keeping one hand tightly wrapped around her waist to prevent any movement of her. "You better think about life next time, before you ever put your dirty ass claws on my best friend again bitch!" She pointed and screamed at her. While being roughly carried away.

The blonde-haired girl got up again & ran toward her only to be grabbed & picked up by Sasuke. "Stop it!" He dragged her away in the opposite direction trying to get her to calm down but she had so much energy.

Everyone in the crowd was still cheering them on, begging the guys that had just broken them up, to still let them go at it but that was short-lived when the host came shouting at them.
"Party's over! Leave!"

The crowd started booing him, throwing him insults. Hidan spoke up over him. "Calm down everyone!" The crowd quieted down but they didn't stop talking. You could still hear side conversations & mumbles.

"Are you guys ready to leave over a little fight?"
The crowd responded to him clapping & laughing.

"I didn't think so! Now that the fight is over, let's have some more drinks, get some more blow, and let's all have a great fucking time!"

The crowd held their drinks in the air and the music began playing again. "Go get the bitches that started it." The host whispered in Hidan's ear before going to entertain the guests at the party. He nodded and left to go find the girls that fought, 2 of them he knows, but the other 2 he does not, only a name she told him. And the other one he saw with his frat bro.

Lee pulled Hinata outside on the porch while she still had a grasp of Sakura's hair. "Let go of her hair!" Shikamaru, Choji, & Temari came out too, to help to break her free from her hold but that wasn't working too well. "She's holding too fucking tight."

Temari said as she struggled to unravel Hinata's hand from her hair. "We might just have to cut it." Choji chimed in, "no! Don't cut it just get this bitch off me!" Sakura whimpered with her back bent over.

Naruto ran out on the porch and grabbed her wrist. And they weren't sure what came over her but when she saw it was him she instantly let go of the hair she had in her hands, just to tug on his but unfortunately for her, she didn't succeed because Lee pulled her away, while he still held her in his arms. "Hina calm the fuck down!" Lee yelled as he crossed both of her arms over her chest. "The bitch is nuts," Temari said as she shook her head, looking at her like some wild animal. "She still has some anger problems I see..."

Shikamaru commented on her and Sakura began to charge at her only to be grabbed quickly by Naruto. "Enough!" He screamed, & held on to her tightly.
Hidan came out on the porch to see the 4 girls who were fighting each other, separated on each side, divided.

Naruto and Hinata couldn't help but keep their eyes on each other, his never blinking nor looking away, & hers looking with anger, with a scowl on her face. Lee & Kiba stayed at their sides while Naruto & Sasuke stayed at Sakuras & Ino's. Not saying a word.

The only thing that was being heard was the music echoing from inside the house. Hidan spoke on the phone to the host & they all had to wait for him to come out. He stumbled out on the porch & began to speak with both his eyes halfway closing, fighting to stay open & he began to talk to all four of the girls.

"Fighting isn't allowed here." He started. "So all that kicking, scratching, and biting, and whatever else you girls have in mind, ends here! Or you'll never be able to come to any of my functions ever again, and that goes for the school too, I have it good with all of the members on the board, so this is your first and last final warning. You break it again and that's it, you're fucked. Do I make myself clear?"

He was facing Ino & Sakura & then he turned around to face the other 2 girls.
"And that goes for you girls too-"
He paused when he saw Hinata sitting there.  "Toneri?!?" Lee & Kiba said in unison.

He walked right over to them. "Sup Lee, Kiba."
Fist bumping them & then he kneeled in front of Hinata. "Tenny." He sang her name & hugged her, as she giggled.

This left Ino & Sakura dumbfounded and this caused Naruto and Sasuke to share a quick look. "Are you stalking me?!" She yelled at him.

"What-No! I go to school here. This is my house and party." He stroked her knees, sliding them up to her thighs. "Just fucking kill me now!" She screamed.

Naruto saw him stroking her legs & was about to charge at him until Sasuke pressed his palm against his chest, stopping him before another fight got started. He mouthed the words 'calm the fuck down' before letting him go.

"Hina, did they start the fight?" He asked her softly. She smacked his hands off her and began to walk off the porch furiously. TenTen followed behind her as she waved him off goodbye, "nice seeing ya tutu."

That was a nickname Hinata had for him back then.

"HEY! I MEANT WHAT I SAID!" He shouted to her. So she stopped walking & then she turned around. "Fuck you Toneri!" She spat at him & continued to walk. TenTen caught up with her, telling her some snide comments & they both began to laugh with one another. "I LOVE YOU. HINATA I LOVE YOU."

He threw his arms up & began to quiet his tone. "I'll always love you." He rubbed his forehead and said one last thing to Lee & Kiba. Slurring his words a bit. "Make sure my baby and her bestie get home safely." Toneri stumbled back into the house leaving them be.
"We're gonna have a talk back at home."
Sasuke stated to the 2 guys. "Most definitely."
Lee replied as he & Kiba caught up with Tenny & Hina.
"Tenny, did you see the way you fucked that bitch up?" Hinata stated brightly. "Me? No did you see the way you fucked that girl up?" She began illustrating what she saw. "You was like bam, bam, bam, bam."

She copied her movements as she described them to her & they both began to laugh. "And did you hear that dick Toneri?" She began mocking him childishly. "You're not allowed to fight because I have it good with members of the board."

TenTen cried laughing as she joined her in on the mocking. "Do that again and you'll never be allowed to any of my parties." Hinata busted out laughing again & they both fell onto the backseats. "Take us to get something to eat!" TenTen demanded Lee & Kiba. "Why were you 2 even fighting?" Lee asked them, "hey! That bitch pushed me first." Hinata said. "Yeah!" TenTen backed her up. "And that prissy bitch tried to jump in on it."

Lee & Kiba looked at each other quickly.

"We're hungry!" Hinata yelled at them both.
"Alright! We're taking you to the burger joint!"
Kiba told her as he continued talking to Lee.

"Did you hear that fucker SasGAY?" Lee was focusing on the road in front of him. "Yeah, I did. Who in the fuck does he think he is?" He replied.

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