5. Why Even Try Anymore

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He had a great day today finally getting to hang out with his friends and not have to work.

As wrong as it sounds, he didn't worry about Sakura answering his phone nor did he pay much attention to his girlfriend constantly trying to call back.

He tried calling her after he got home but it kept on saying that it was disconnected.

She wouldn't change her number on him would she?

After he tried again he gave up on calling fearing that she may have been 'done' with their relationship.

But that was selfish of her if she was!

They haven't seen each other in a year now and on top of that, they were both busy with their own lives!

He placed his phone on his lil desk that sat ahead of his bed it was sorta like a study area, small & fit.

He then pulled out the book from his bookbag that Sasuke gave him and looked at it intensely.

His breath grew shallow as his eyes bucked while opening the first page not believing his eyes.

Sweat grew on his forehead.

He swallowed hard when he saw the first picture. WOW! He thought to himself breathing deep & slow.

He took his time and flipped through the pages.

He didn't want to rush anything as this was his very 1st time viewing anything like this by himself...

By his 5th page, he got the courage to grab his lotion bottle, pumped some in his hand, and placed one of his hands in his pants getting ready to touch himself.

But that was all ruined once his mom walked in.

"Naruto-" He quickly pulled the cover over himself trying to hide in embarrassment.

She walked right over to him and snatched the dirty magazine off of his bed, reading Hot Nudes.

Her eyes widened as she stormed out of his room, slamming the door behind her.

Once she was out of his room he shot up, took off his clothes, and changed into some new ones.

As he began to clean off the lotion from his hands.

He heard footsteps coming toward his room feeling scared and worried that he was in trouble.

His dad walked in with the magazine & he said one last thing to his mom before shutting the door.

"I'm gonna talk to him."

Naruto's heartbeat began beating outside his chest when his dad held up the magazine to him, standing.
"Where'd you get this from?"

His shoulders scrunched up and his back hunched a tad bit when he answered. "I... found it..."

"Alright, son! It's time for us to have that talk."
He sat on the edge of his bed and had Naruto sit in his gaming chair.

Once he was facing his dad he looked down.

His dad sighed. "Alright, look Naruto I thought that we would've been having this conversation sooner."

He snapped his fingers 2 times as a way to tell him to look at him and when he did he continued.

"You're a teenager now, which means you're growing up and changing. You're getting bigger and taller so that means your body is... changing a lot faster now."

He went hmm, as he listened to his dad's explaining.

"Your voice is gonna get deeper than what it is right now and your height will keep on expanding."

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