2. A Genuine Offer...

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It was a hot day in June as all of the kids were being let out of junior high after the bell rang

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It was a hot day in June as all of the kids were being let out of junior high after the bell rang.

Hinata was greeted by Naruto with a warm smile on his face when she got to her locker to grab her bookbag and a few more extra books.

"Hello, sugar pop!" She hugged him and said hello back as she began to hold her books against herself but he took them from her and began carrying them for her. This was a pretty casual routine for the two.

They began walking out together as they talked.

"I'm so glad I wore a skirt it's burning up out here." She said as she began to fan herself.

He was quieter than usual which wasn't like him.

"How was your day ocean eyes?" He gave her a quick general answer. "Fine." They both ended up stopping at a Shop Market store to get some water but Naruto bought something else as well making sure to hide it.

When she went into another aisle he quickly paid for it and stuck it in his jacket pocket.

She came back with 1 honeybun and he paid for it.

After 1 hr of walking, she realized where they were as they both sat down on a bench.

She gasped in excitement staring at the empty park.
"Naruto! This is where we met 6 years ago."
She smiled in happiness as her head began to be filled with the memories they shared.

He gave a nervous chuckle rubbing the back of his head. "Haha, yeah, I remember I'll never forget it."

She began drinking her water as sweat occupied her forehead. "So why did you wanna come here?"

"To do this."
He quickly avoided that question by pushing off her bookbag and pulling her to the swings.

They both hopped on and started to swing trying to go as high as they could. Of course, Naruto beat her.
"Hey, that's no fair! You're faster than me."

Still, with his swing high in the air, he began to playfully taunt her. "Hey, I told you to catch up."

Taking that as a battle she leaped off the swing and rolled into the grass quickly getting up and running to the main playground. "Hey! You're cheating!"

He did the same following behind her but she had the upper hand on this one.

She swung into the big slide she was once afraid of and slid down taunting him.
"Come and catch me bright eyes!" She giggled hard.

He did the same trying to stay on her tail as he chased behind her down the slide.
"I'm gonna getcha' big head!" He said laughing.

Once he came out he went down hurriedly down the slide as he stood up in front of it.

"Hiinnaa" He sang, "where are youuu?" He looked.

"I'm right behind youuuu." She sang back. He turned around to see her on top of the slide climbing up.

He jumped turning and began chasing her again.
Climbing up the slide behind she ran playfully to the monkey bars. "You can't catch me!"

She slipped both of her hands on the bars, moving her arms and body making her way across them.

But Naruto jumped on top of them and ran across to the other side. "Nanana booboo I just beat you."

He sang that playfully as he stuck his tongue out teasing her childishly. "You're the one cheating!"

She pulled herself up to get on top of the monkey bars as well and he helped lift her.

Then he ran back across.

She chased him until they ended up on the big grass field. "You're running too fast!"

She whimpered loudly trying to catch her breath.
"You have to catch up." He said still running around in circles trying not to get caught by her.

"Ocean eye-" she was cut off when she stumbled. "Ow! My knee! I think I hurt my knee!"

She bought her right knee up to her chest rolling and shifting from side to side & he immediately turned around and ran over to her.

"Let me see, let me see."
Gently grabbing her knee to examine it.

She jumped up to tickle his sides.

He fell back into the grass and started to laugh hard as his eyes shut and filled with laughter.

She stopped when she saw a bee flying by them.
"Naruto be still there's a bee by y-"

"Owwwww! I think I've been stung!"
Dropping his neck down, he clenched his left hand and bought it to his chest.

"Oh my God! Wait let me see Naruto!"
She sat on her knees and grabbed his left hand only to be met with fierce tickles under her underarms.

"Haha, now I've got you!"
She fell back crying laughing as he continued.

Finally, he stopped after 5 minutes.

She sat up wiping the tears from her eyes.
"I never tickled you for that long."

He gave her a light smile and stood up.

Dusting himself off and helping her up as well as he began to dust her off also. "Sorry sugar pop."

He made the crouching position to prop her up on his back and then he carried her back to the bench.

They'd spent about an hr and a half playing at the park as the day was finally beginning to cool down.

He sat her down and then sat next to her thinking of how he was gonna ask her this serious question.

His heart began to beat so hard that he thought that she could hear it. Hands sweating, legs shaking, his fingers tapping his thigh and his mouth getting dry.

He picked up the water they bought a lil earlier and began to juggle it down. I hope this helps...

She placed her hands on his "everything okay?"

Suddenly he wasn't nervous anymore 1 touch from her could calm him down.

He smiled and turned to her looking into her eyes. "Hina we've been best friends for a long time now, and... I've been thinking..."

She didn't say anything as she listened carefully.

He pulled out a ring pop from his jacket and opened it carefully as he held it in front of her.
"Will you be my girlfriend sugar pop?"

She snatched the ring pop from him and placed it on her left ring finger blushing brightly.

Pulling him in for a hug and kissing him on the cheek she gave him an answer.
"Yes, ocean eyes! I'll be your girlfriend!"

The summer went on and they enjoyed each other.

Once I Saw You Again (NaruHina Romance) Where stories live. Discover now