18. Surprise, Surprise

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She woke up in the dark seeing pitch black picking up her phone to see the time. [2:00 AM]

Using her flashlight on her phone to use the bathroom and then going to get a bottle of water out of the fridge since her throat was dry.

She drank half of it & laid back down on the couch as she yawned & stretched. "Man this couch is uncomfortable." She said to herself quietly.

Just when she was abt to close her eyes again her phone began to ring immediately answering.

Tenny! Where the hell are you?
She sounded stressed.

I'm with Gaara.
TenTen sounded like she was over the moon.

And this caused Hinata to gasp.

Hina Banana I finally did it!
She gasped again & squealed loudly.

Ahhhh! Omg! How was it? Where is he? Tell me all about it, Tenny!
The 2 girls talked happily, squealing on the phone together.

He went to get some more ice-wait that's him! I'll tell you all about it when I get home, promise.

She kissed her through the phone.
Love you, see you later.

Hinata had the biggest smile on her face. She was ecstatic for her best friend! Feeling even more confident to lose hers now more than ever.

She heard someone coming down the stairs seeing a light flash.
Was Naruto coming to apologize to her? Finally?

Her heart sped up as the steps got closer down the stairs, but it calmed when she saw it was the guy who answered the door for her.

He spoke softly to her.
"Hey, do you wanna sleep in my bed?"
She rolled her eyes. "Why? You think I wanna have sex with you too?" She sneered.

He huffed at her.
"No, I do not." She had a hard time believing him. "Look, I know your back is hurting." He persisted. "I'm offering you my bed."

Even though her back was hurting she didn't wanna take his whole bed.

And when he saw that she wasn't saying anything back he just left her alone.
"Never mind. Sorry for bothering you." He whispered.

"Wait!" She said using her inside voice. "I'll sleep with you. You don't have to give up your bed." He reached his hand out & she grabbed it as he guided her up to his room. Slipping into bed.

It was a good thing that everyone was sleeping. She didn't feel like dealing with anyone.

"Wait a minute!" She sat up whispering to him.
"Do you-" He cut her off and sat up too.
"No, I don't do dirty things in my bed. But I do jerk off sometimes."

She instantly got up but he grabbed her arm.

"But I haven't done it in a while I swear it! And I washed, look, smell it." He handed her one of his pillows and she quickly sniffed it.

He was telling the truth so she got back in bed laying down getting comfortable on his soft sheets.

"Thanks." She closed her eyes.
"No problem." He did the same.

"By the way..." She spoke sleepily. "How did you know my back was hurting?" He gave her a sleepy half chuckle. "The guys got that couch so no girl would ever wanna stay the night over."

She yawned. "Wow, you guys are such dicks."

He wrapped his arms around her reflexively. "Sometimes I can be."

She felt his breath on her ear.

"But like I said pretty girl, the guys got that, I'm innocent." She giggled lightly. "Yeah right."

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