14. Talk Of The Night

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"Look at what that bitch did to my hair!" Sakura said as she held up her cell phone camera to her head.

"We're gonna get those bitches back," Ino said to her. They looked pretty bad. Sakura's eye was black and her lip was red & puffy. She also had a handprint on her face from Hinata's slap. Some of her hair was snatched out too. "Ugh! I hate that bitch."

She threw her phone down on the ground in the back seat. Ino's face was swole, it looked as if she's been stung by a bumble bee or 3. "Those whores will pay."
She said to Sakura.

"Why the fuck did you fight her?"
Naruto growled at Sakura. "That bitch walked up on me like she knew me!" He wasn't satisfied with her answer. "So you fucking go and fight her? FUCK."

They began arguing. "What the fuck are you mad at me for? She started it!" He turned around to face her. "I don't give a fuck who started what! You said that you were done fighting! I'm not going through this shit again!" His teeth grind & his jaw clenched in frustration. "Why can't you ever take my side?!?" She yelled back in anger & this made Sasuke furious.

"Both of you shut up!" He yelled at them but they just yelled back. "You shut the fuck up!" They said in unison. "Ino! Why were you in it?" Sasuke asked her.

She grasped the driver seat & sat up behind him. "Because! I wasn't gonna let her fight alone!" He slammed on the brakes causing them to jerk hard.

"You don't have to fight her battles all the time!" They too began to argue. "She's my best friend!"

Hearing her say that set him all the way off in the worse way. "So fucking what! You 2 stay in drama!"

They were in the girl's part of campus. "Ino get the fuck out." He snorted & she did what he demanded.

Sakura tried to touch Naruto's arm but he jerked it away from her. She tried again but he reacted the same way. She touched his hand but he pushed her.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She reached her hand out again but he rejected her. "I said don't fucking touch me!" This made her blow up. "Are you fucking her?"

That was the only conclusion she could come up with as to why she would come up to her, the way she did and why he was reacting this way.

"Just get out of the fucking car." He told her in a mad, sly voice. "Are you fucking that nutty white eyed bitch? Naruto!" He was about to strike her until Sasuke stopped him. Her voice began to break up.

"So... You are!" Tears came rushing down her face.
"We are fucking over!" He roared, "we're over!"

She heard that a million times before but for some reason, this time, she thought he meant it.
Naruto & Sasuke finally made it home to their dorm. He threw the keys on the counter & grunted loudly.

"Did you see how that prick had his hands all over her?" He was pacing back & forth, keeping his fist balled up, wanting to destroy something, anything!

He hated Toneri since last year because he's one of those pretentious assholes who never got his hands dirty! His parents had 'old money' & that alone got him into places that others had to work merely hard for. They never hung out, because he thought that he was too good to hang out with people that weren't a part of the 'sorority', psh! As if he ever fucking wanted to.

As far as he knew, that guy was softer than a baby's bum. He would never be upset about someone being 'privileged' but he did hate those that flaunted it in people's faces & make them feel like they were less than others.

"How long has she been dating that fucker?"
He questioned himself with his teeth clenched badly.

"Naruto! You just said that you were over her less than 6 hours ago, it's time. To move. On. Move on!"

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