ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One

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Dream POV:

I settle in the grassiest plains. Each blade of grass brushes my skin as I sit down. After walking through endless mountains and hills, I have finally found a place to breath. A place far away from redcoats, a place far away from the violence, a place far away from the war.

Vibrant flowers sprout from the ground. Big patches of grass and moss fill up the hills. The sun beams rays of light on me while wind circles around me. The extraordinary vegetation makes everything more enjoyable and serene.

I take in deep breaths and exhale out a lot of stress. I think of all of my accomplishments, ready to make more. 

At that very moment I hear the crunches of grass in the distance. I freeze and realize I'm not alone. I tell myself to get up and run for miles. To get up and to not look back, but I don't. I stay in place like the coward I swore to never be again.

What's America going to do without you Clay? America is waiting in the wings for you and here you are, siting in a field with nothing to protect yourself. You've made up this whole reputation, this whole persona. People see you as the hero, they see Dream as the hero. What are they going to do when they find your lifeless pale body limp on the ground? What are they going to do when they see blood spilling out of you, redder than a redcoat. 

I beg myself to move, I really do, but I stay put, listening to the approaching footsteps getting louder and louder. Feet enter my vision. I slowly lean my head up to meet what I assume is death.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now