ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One Hundred Six

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Dream POV:


Technoblade drags me by hand to reconvene.

"You do not have the votes. You are going to need congressional approval and you do not carry the votes! You need the majority Dream! Pull yourself together!"

"I am sorry Technoblade. These Virginians are birds of a feather. We can not afford to allow Congress to get held hostage by the South."

Technoblade sighs.

"Dream we need the votes."

"No, we need bold strokes! We need this plan-"

"No, you are required to convince more folks. Winning was easy, young man, governing is harder."

My words are caught by my breath. I almost do not want to listen to what I am doing wrong.

"They are being intransigent!"

"You have to find a compromise-"

"But they do not have a plan, they just despise mine!"

Technoblade shakes his hand and stares me down.

"Convince them otherwise."

"And what happens if I do not get granted congressional approval?"

"I imagine they will call for your removal."

My breath hitches. The anger is knocked out of me. The atmosphere is now eerie and serious.


"Figure it out, Dream. That is an order from your commander."

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now