ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Four

42 5 13

George POV:

I sneak away from my duties to visit Dream. I arrive to the garden and wait for the dirty blonde. Dream soon makes an appearance and sits by me in the grassy field.

Today we opened up about our past lives, before the war.

"My father split off from my family,"

he starts, taking in a deep breath.

"Not too soon after I my mother fell sick and soon died. I was left to go live with my cousin which shortly committed suicide."

I gasp at his story and internally beg for him to continue.

"After that I set off for a new land, New York. And now I am here."

I look at him with sympathy. 

"I am terribly sorry you had to go through all of that. I deeply appreciate how you are able to talk about such a sensitive topic so openly. I hope you recover from these losses."

Dream scoffs and plucks strands of grass from the ground.

"I have already recovered and moved on to bigger and better things. I want people to see me as more than an orphan. I want people to tell my story and include all of my past and future achievements. I refuse to be known as an ordinary colonist during this revolution, or even worse, an orphan."

I smile at Dream and admire his determination. He is a man with a plan, and it shows.

"I refuse my past to make my character, I will fight and take any opportunity to share my ideas. I will not throw away my shot."

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now