ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Twenty Two

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George POV:

"Prince George, your father wants a word before Princess Niki arrives. Please go to the throne room immediately."

"Will do."

I walk down the endless stairs with my hand sliding down the gold railing. I am dressed in a deep navy blue suit with a white dress shirt. I added some gold accents to my outfit, like jewelry.

I make it down the staircase and approach my father's throne. My mother is stood by his side, holding his hand. Most guards are ordered out of the room but our most trustworthy. What is happening?

"Father, why did you send most of the guards out of the room? We need to be safe!"

"Yes child, but I also want a safe environment for you."

"Why? What is your reasoning?"

"You have been off George."

I take a big gulp and shiver in my shiny black shoes.

"I see how you just got nervous right now, what is happening? You have not smiled in a long time. I want, no, I need to know how to support you as a father."

Kristen nods and joins the conversation.

"George, what has been on your mind?"

I feel helpless. Not the helpless I feel when Dream is around, but the helpless like there is not escape. Suddenly the room seems smaller. And somehow the space in my mind shrinks too.

I feel like I am being closed into a small space and forced to spit out a nasty secret.

My throat feels like it is closing up. Like a fire is rising higher and higher.

I can not help it, tears gush out of my eyes. My vision floods with water making everything l see a blur. All I see is two blobs of color making their way up to me and hugging me tightly.

"We are here for you son, please just tell us."

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now