ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Twenty Five

20 1 1

Dream POV:

I arrive home, loosening my tie the second I close the door. I slump down in my seat, feeling defeated. 

Schlatt. How could he say such a thing? I bet he feels restricted and regrets everything he says! How could one be so... controlled? I almost feel bad for him, almost.

I turn my head. Rain clouds up my window. The pitters and patters keep my heart at a steady pace. 

I look back, grabbing a letter from my stand. George. My eyes read the page over and over again, head to bottom. What I would do to dance in the rain. Scream out your name. Live life without a chain. I feel so restricted and controlled by the government stating that war is put before love. 

I am a hypocrite for thinking that. I could even be mistaken for Schlatt. A restricted pain in the arse.

I can imagine your locks sticking to your face. Water leaving us both in drenched clothes. Bright smile and adorable giggle, that I admired and still admire so much. 

Without knowing it I had written all my feelings down, signed and ready to be delivered.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now