ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Thirty One

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Dream POV:

The morning rays shine down on the cold stone steps. The moon is still in the sky, not shining as bright but still saying hello to their lover, the sun. Soon the moon will talk off to work, the sun taking over the sky.

Two guards still stand by my side. One thing that has not changed since yesterday.

Today is now yesterday. The yesterday where I wished for a better job at work.

My shoes clack and click. The guards following my every move. It is extremely early, making no one present to see my... escorts. 

No one is present. No one but Technoblade.

I knock on the big familiar doors, preparing myself to be lectured and called out.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now