ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Nine

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George POV:

We both entered the garden at the same time. Both barring news, one good one bad.

Dream seems ecstatic, his attitude is at its best. I suggest him to share his announcement first.

"I am not certain if you heard but I am officially Technoblade's right hand man!"

Dream smiles proudly while I smile dully. He finally notices my mood and starts to get concerned.

"What is wrong my love?"

I can not help but break down in front of him. Tears flood from my eyes, Dream wraps his arm around me begging me to tell him what is going on.

"My love please, I can't bare to see you in this state. Please, I beg of you to tell me what is wrong."

I manage to pull myself together and utter our my news.

"My-my father has requested I return h-home."

My voice cracks in between my sentence and I allow my tears to fall out of my eyes. I look at Dream and see he is crying as well.

"I take my leave in one week."

I can hear Dream's sobs become slightly louder. We are going through the unimaginable.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now