ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Two

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Dream POV:

My eyes are greeted with not a redcoat, but a beautiful goddess. Short brown luscious bed of hair, deep brown longing eyes, and clear pale skin. I've never seen a more stunning human.

The beauty holds out their hand,

"Good day sir."

Their British accent shocks me. I look around for any signs of danger, but find none. I reluctantly take his hand and shake it. The brunette flashes a smile and sits down right in front of me. He looks at me expectantly. What does he require? I sit in place and wonder what he is going to request.

"Well that isn't any way to treat royalty, is it?"

I look up to see a shiny gold crown sat peacefully on his head. My eyes widen and I bow my head down.

"Y-your highness, what brings you here? Does thou wish of my surrender or even worse, death?"

We both sit in silence for a moment. I lift my head up to look at his blank expression.

"First of all I would never wish the death of such an innocent soul. Secondly 'your highness' is not my name."

I examine his face and soon remember. The newspapers, he was in the newspapers. I've seen that angelic face before, I know it. I'm suddenly reminded of his existence, and name. I bow my head once again.

"Prince George, I apologize."

"What is your business here poor citizen?"

"I am taking a break from my duties. I wanted to get away from the war in a protected secluded area."

"Well you seem very vulnerable for a person of status."

I look at him with surprise.

"You know who I am?"

"Of course! Dream, was it? A person with such an impressive title is sure to be recognizable."

I look away, avoiding any eye contact. I can feel my face heat up as my heart starts to beat faster. I feel flattered by his comment. George giggles at my reaction, which gains my attention again.

"Such a humble man! So flustered by the truth!"

He smiles, flashing his pearly white teeth. I return the smile and hold my hand on my heart, which feels like it's about to burst.

I feel helpless.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now