ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One Hundred Ten

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George POV:

Dream climbs in bed, pressing his lips against my forehead. He turns the opposite way as his breathing soon soothes into his own lullaby.

All this time my beloved husband has assumed I have been sleeping, when in reality I spend each night awake, staring at the blank ceiling and filling it with thoughts.

I crave for the nostalgic feeling! I crave for the intention in our love story to return. I miss cuddling in the nice lush terrain. I miss sending each other love letters. I miss it all!

Dream has lost himself, even I have lost myself. I have lost myself in a trap called love, but luckily there is a way out. A clear path where the sun meets the horizon.

Taking a break.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now