ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Eighteen

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Dear Dream,

My father would like to throw a ball in celebration of my good leadership. I am not excited. 

We are expecting a princess to come and be my date, I could not deny it. I meet her soon and I am scared.

This whole situation has got me thinking what my father will do when he figures out I have been writing to you. If you have not known I am doing this secretly. The only person who knows is my brother Fundy, he is helping me send these to you.

I fear what will happen when he figures out I am dating a man who is an American. I know the day will come when I am exposed or forced to confess. Know I would never want our relationship to be a secret, trust me I want to yell I love you to the rest of the world. Sadly this war is getting in the way of our relationship, we could get in brave danger because of this.

I love you but I am sorry. I am sorry for what I am going to be forced to do with that silly damsel. Just know I love you and I would never betray our love.

~ George Davidson

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now