ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Twenty One

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Philza POV:

My son lurks around our palace with a frown upon his face every day. Ever since he has returned I have never seen him share a true smile with anyone but his brother. I can not help but think, what I am doing wrong as a father? What am I doing wrong as a King? 

I lay in my bed in distress, thinking of all the possible things that could dullen his mood. Kristen notices my misery and takes action right away.

"What is wrong honey?"

"George has been in a bad mood lately. I have not seen him smile once since he got back from America. Am I doing something wrong as a father?"

Kristen shares sympathetic smile.

"I am not sure honey, but from I can tell you are doing your best. It must not be you, but if you are all that concerned talk to him about it tomorrow. Make sure to do it before Niki comes, we want him to make a good impression and not seem sad."

I nod my head and hug my wife with a smile.

"Thank you honey, you give the best advice."

"Any time Phil."

"I really wish I could give you credit for all the things you have done to help me, but society has decided women are not a priority. I really wish I could."

Kristen hugs me tighter.

"I know you want to honey, I know."

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