ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Five

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Dream POV:

A new day, another evening with George. The sun has dimmed, revealing the shiny stars and glistening moon. Here we are, once again sitting comfortably in the grass, allowing each blade to tickle our legs.

"Anything new in the royal life?"

"No not really."

We sit in a comfortable silence, looking at the ground. This is the first time we've had nothing to say to each other. George clears his throat and attempts to start a conversation,

"I am really mad at my dad."

I nod and look in his direction, signalling him to continue.

"He is not letting this war go which is a big mistake. It is troublesome and we are already in dept from the French and Indian war."

George plucks grass from the ground not making any eye contact.

"I really can't wait for this war to end, but at the same time I want it to continue to the end of time."

I raise a brow at that statement.


"Because of you Dream."

I gasp,


"Yes, that's your name isn't it?"

George finally looks at me and chuckles.

"When this war is over our countries most likely will not be on the most well terms, which would prevent me from seeing you. I do not want to loose you Dream."

My eyes glisten, bewildered by his words. I find myself gravitating towards him physically, he does the same. The space between us closes and our lips collide bringing us into an intimate kiss. His lips are warm and soft, suitable for his kind personality. His lips part allowing me to slip my tongue in. We move slow, our tongues tangling together. I end the kiss and look George in the eye with a loving gaze.

"I do not want to loose you either George."

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now