ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Eight

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George POV:

"Your highness? Your father has sent a letter!"

I scoff at my assistant's words. What has he sent this time? A congratulations for leading our army? I do not expect it to be a congrats because we do have the best navy army in the world. He is not that stupid to know the navy was doing the same without my aid.

My assistant walks forward and leaves my letter unopened. They bow and hand me the envelope. I kindly take it out of their hands and rip open the envelope. I take out the letter and leave the shredded paper remains for the maids to clean up. I try to be as kind as I can for them but today I am not in the best mood.

I start reading the paper from the top to the bottom.

'My youngest George,

From what I have heard in the papers it seems like our army is doing a lovely job. I sent you to America so I could see how well you would do as a King, leading is a challenge after all. George you have succeeded with flying colors as far as I can tell.

You will definitely be considered to be the next King, but for now I am going to allow you to return to Britain. A boat will bring you from America back to Britain. Good job my son, a celebration shall be held when you arrive. 

Love you forever more


Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now