ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One Hundred Forty Five

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Dream POV:

In mid day I am escorted to the place I never intended to return to. The place I had been banished from. Why have I been summoned?

I am brought to a secluded room with three others.

"Wilbur, Ponk, Schatt, what is this?"

Schlatt is the first to speak.

"We have check stubs from separate accounts. Almost a thousand dollars paid to a Minster way back, the summer years ago!"

I gulp, swallowing all of my pride and confidence. Is this coming back to haunt me? My dangerous mistake that I did not want to commit?

"A former government official embezzling our government funds! I can almost see the headline on the newspaper, your career is done."

I shake my head.

"You do not know what you are asking me to confess."

I see the three look at each other in confusion.

"If I could prove that I never broke the law, do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?"

Wilbur and Ponk go to converse but Schlatt skips right to the point.

"Of course."

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