ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Fifty Nine

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Dream POV:


"I apologize sir, that was very immature of me, especially in such conditions."


"Please Technoblade, forgive me. I was caught in the heat of the moment deeply."


"Although Eret did do a horrible job I understand my mistake, supporting Karl's duel-"


I pause my rant, looking directly in his eyes.

"I see you understand that was a danger. You could have died!"

"But Karl was the one shooting!"

"But you know Eret's lack of leading! I would not ever assume he knew how to aim!"

"Well I am more than willing to die-"

"No we need you alive!"

"But I-"

"Dream. Go home. This is an order from your commander."

My heart drops. I can fear tears threatening to fall, but I discourage them. After all of what I have done, is this what it has come to?


"Go home."

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