ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One Hundred Seven

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Dream POV:

He walks off, the quiet click of the heels of his shoes signalling he is long gone. 

My job is on the line. My shot is on the line. I am hanging on a wire. One wrong step and I will go falling, tumbling down into a spiraling consequence.

What is my future if I fail to provide for my home? What is my future if I fail to provide for my son?

What if I fail to be enough for George? Prince of a Royal family in Britain. This is not just for the country, it is for my history. 

Who is going to tell my story if I fail? Is my story even worth mentioning, or mumbling to a person sat next to you in History course.

I need to do more.

I need to do more than enough.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now