ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Thirty Two

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"What is the meaning of this? What are these... gentleman doing in my office."

Dream is forced to speak.

"It is time I confess."

Technoblade raises an eyebrow.

"Well I presume so. It better not be bad."

He takes a deep breath, before starting.

"I have a lover. This lover is currently a nationality we are opposed with. And to make matter worse he is part of the Royal family, the Prince. I understand if you are angry at me, but I am not informing you this for nothing. There is a ball, and my Prince would like me to be there."

Technoblade's face is surprised, then confused. His face shifts through emotions till he finds the right one, understandment.

"I understand and support you. If anything love is the one thing that should be preserved from war."

A gleam smile increases on Dream's face. Technoblade flashes his teeth with him, wishing the American the best of his travels. Soon he is escorted again, but with less fear and sorrow than before.

He is going to see his lover, his sun.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now