ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One Hundred Sixty One

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Dream POV:

I see George walking in the street. He is slumped down and looks as sad as me. I approach his side with no comment, letting him take in my presence before speaking.

"You were right. We did not need money, we did not need a legacy, the fact that us as a family were alive was a miracle, and it should have been enough.

If I could spare his life, if I could trade his life for mine, he would be standing here right now. And for you to smile would be enough.

I know there is no replacing what has been lost. But I am not afraid, I know who I married.

Look at where we are, look at where we started. The fact we both are alive is a miracle, can it be enough?"

We keep walking.

"George, do you like it uptown? It is quiet uptown."

I am trying to do the unimaginable.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now