ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Twenty Three

21 1 7

George POV:

"Son just please tell us-"

"I am in love."

My parents are taken aback. Father looks like he has a guilty look on his face.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry son. I wish you would have told me so I could call off Princess Niachu."

More and more tears keep coming out. He thinks that is it but it really is not.

"So, who is the lucky girl?,"

Mom chimes in. I sob even harder, concerning them greatly.

"It- it is a man."

My voice cracks in the middle of my sentence. I expect a slap to the face, guards forcing me away, and constant yelling calling me harsh slurs, but they never come. I wipe my tears and look at my parent's calm and accepting faces.

"George, that is okay."

Still, even with their acceptance tears continue to fall from my eyes. I know I have to tell them the whole story.

"There is one more thing."

"What is it love?"

I take a deep breath before answering.

"He is American."

I can hear all of the guards around me gasp. Their eyes stare at me intensely, wondering what I am going to spill next.

I feel a hand rubbing on my back, it is my dad.

"It is okay dear. I understand your stress now. We can talk about this matter later but right now we need to fix you up before Princess Niki gets here."

"What are we going to do about her?"

"Well lets see how she is like and then we can break the news or make an excuse."

Father starts walking with my at his side. I smile for the first time in a while. I smiled not because of Dream's letters, not because of Fundy's help, but because I feel accepted in my family.


My mother stops the two of us and asks a question.

"What is his name?"

"Dream, Technoblade's right hand man."

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now