ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Twenty Nine

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George POV:

"Uhm... Greetings your majesty?"

I say, not meaning for it to sound like a question. Niachu slowly lifts he hand away from mine, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"Yes. Greetings your highness. I would like to admire this proposal with our meeting, but also possibly revise it?"

I cock an eyebrow.

"May you please elaborate?"

"See, I have say... A motive? This motive is for love, which can not be forced. My mother organized this proposal, as you should know. I had no say in the matter and already by first impression I can tell we will not be great as a... couple. I know there will be someone out there willing to marry you at first glance. But unfortunately I regret to inform that I am not the one."

Niachu looks down. I can see her fidget with her hands. I let out a deep breath of relief, then proceed to smile. Niachu looks up, witnessing my happiness.

"Prince George?"

"I am so happy you just said that! I apologize for not being the most formal right now but I can not help but feel happy!"

Niachu laughs.

"It is alright! May I be a bit informal too?"

"Yes, of course! Now,"

I look at the castle.

"Since you will be here for a while, let me give you a tour!"

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