ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Eighty Five

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George POV:

I stir up from my slumber. My eyes are crusty and hard to open. I almost give up, until I see a light.

Not a literal light, a figurative light. Just a glimpse of a head of overgrown dirty blonde hair. My eyes shoot open.

He gets in bed with me, facing the other way. I can feel tears stream down my face, but ignore them. I cuddle up to his side.


He turns to face me. I am reunited with his bright smile.


I cuddle my head into his chest, sniffling in his shirt.

"I missed you! Tommy did too!"

"I did too, my love."

He kisses the top of my head, and we lay in a comfortable silence. I could not be more happy.

"George, have you ever wondered of my real name?"

I shake my head.

"In the beginning, but now rarely ever."

"Well it is Clay. My name is Clay."

I smile. Clay.

"Well welcome back Clay!"

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