ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Fifty Four

17 1 4

Dream POV:

Outrun, outlast, hit them quick, get out fast. The plan repeats over and over in my head as I stand in my position, awaiting for the first arrow to be shot. When it happens violence erupts.

We all fight. It is clear that the British came well prepared. We are in the minority, but if we keep fighting we will be able to win them over with fatigue-


I raise my eyebrows while stabbing a redcoat with my sword. I know that is not the call for a situation like this. And I know who's voice that is, Eret. Second general and local pussy.


I counter his screams. Everyone keeps fighting. I can hear Technoblade talking to Eret in the background.

"What are you doing? Get on your feet!"

"Their army is too large sir, we must retreat!"

"I appreciate your work but you are demoted from second General. SAPNAP YOU TAKE THE LEAD!"

With Sapnap's guidence we are able to wipe out the crowd of redcoats.

The fight is done but my anger is still present. I am fuming. We stayed alive because of my and Sapnap's commands, not because of Eret's.

Away From The War ~ A Dreamnotfound FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now