ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ One Hundred Thirty Nine

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Schlatt POV:

As time moves on, Dream dominates the court. His federalist ideas are corrupting our entire system!

If our team does not stop it, we aid and abet it. Somebody has to stand up for the South, shut his mouth! Douse the fire and run out of the house, leaving his sorry ass behind. So we talk.

Wilbur calls for a meeting between Ponk and I. Our eyes glance from person to person, anger shown in all of our pupils.

"This man is allowing the treasury to grow more and more! If we do not stop this we aid and abet it for the rest of history!"

And there is no response. Nothing we can do. It boils my blood knowing the person I despise is achieving their goals, while I am still left with old ones.

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