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Anastasia Flora Fox

  Anastasia was a messy girl, nothing about her felt put together. Her clothes never seemed to have all the buttons buttoned, her pants either showed a little ankle or have dirt stains where she would trip over the length that was too long for the girls barely average height, her uniform skirt looked far too small, and her shirt looked two sizes too big, her robes always had one shoulder off and nobody had ever seen her tie not loose around her neck. And though the girl had long straight hair no one would dare to call it silky or smooth with at least one fly away decorating her face at all times. Her hand writing resembled a doctors and looked as if someone had been writing it in a rush while using their wrong hand. Even the girl's movements were messy, she never walked with elegance, though she was not clumsy, her pace and gestures were unpredictable and childish picking up and slowing down at random.

Anastasia was in simple terms a flirt not ever catching onto how she would do it to practically everyone using her promiscuous charm on anyone she interacted with.

If the boys in Hogwarts were asked to name the prettiest girls in school her name would not be spoken because of the scars that donned across her face, arms and the faintest ones on her legs. But in the back of every single one of their heads her name would be there because there was no denying it Ana was irresistible and unmistakably beautiful.

Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin to most was intimidating. With his Welsh accent, the boys freakishly tall height, and of course deep scars that to any eye it was obvious they were painful. Remus hated to be called that. He wanted to be approachable but being within his school's most famous group of Gryffindors, the Marauders didn't help his case. Remus, though not the most social of the lot, had no trouble speaking to others and was always polite; some would even say a little flirty and blunt with his words. Remus had to deal with much harder things in his life than worrying about speaking to others that he never had felt a sense of over nervousness when in conversation or even in the presence of any person.

Remus was in no way a ladies man. It wasn't that the girls in Hogwarts didn't think the boy was attractive they did, why they never pursued the Gryffindor was because they never thought they had a chance with him. The thing was there was never a moment where Remus Lupin showed the slightest bit of romantic interest in a girl. The last reason why was that every girl in the school besides the oblivious Anastasia Fox could see the Lupin boys lingering eyes on her.

When it came to Remus Lupin and Anastasia Fox all of Remus's social skills seemed to have left his body only to return the second she was out of his sight. The lack of nervousness he was once proud of he could no longer claim. Unbeknownst to Anastasia, who was certain she was always annoying the welsh boy. Remus Lupin admired the girl in every way . He would notice the little things about Ana like the beauty mark just below her left eye or how she could ramble on about muggle music for days or how when she was distracted in class she would chew on the end of her quill unknowingly or how she always had a cut on her lip from biting it when she felt anxious. Remus yearned for the girl to want him as he wanted her but at last it was hard for the boy to even have a full conversation with Fox, always managing to sound disinterested in her words or clipped with his replies.

 Remus yearned for the girl to want him as he wanted her but at last it was hard for the boy to even have a full conversation with Fox, always managing to sound disinterested in her words or clipped with his replies

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