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CHAPTER 8 (part one)

The girls dormitory was a place of warmth. There were ribbons strewn about, pink and red linens covering all the light sources, all their beds had frilly laces and detailed quilts over top, with little nick nacks on every surface. A setting you could see a group painting their nails or talking gossip. Not to play into the feminine stereotypes but to embrace them heartendly.

Anastasia sat on the vanity cushion pulling up her sheer stockings attaching them to the red garters attached to her obnoxious black corset. Her and Marlene's costumes were dramatic and inappropriate for their age, and another thing was most at the party wouldn't understand it but non the less the two insisted on the outfits. Spending the whole month crafting them.

"I am going to snog Fabian Prewett tonight." Anastasia proudly stated. Looking away from Marlene, biting her lip.

Marlene gasps loudly pausing in her movements made to pull up her hair. "You like Fabian?"

Anastasia giggles. "Noo, I don't have a crush on him. I like him in a way where I want to snog sooo badly because he's like insanely fit. But I'm still slightly weird out by the whole twin ginger thing, so I would never date him." Anastasia explained turning to look at herself in the mirror as Marlene tied her corset. "We just flirt constantly."

"You dirty girl." Marlene pushes Ana's head forward playfully. "Go on sing it."

"No shut up" But she was fighting back her smile and knew who would win.

"Oh common you were doing it all day. No, please it's very fitting" Marlene grabbed her waist spinning Ana and her shaking head around to face her.

Marlene's loud scratchy voice belated out through the dorm shaking a twirling Anastasia around dramatically. "Touch-a touch- touch-a"

Anastasia grabs Marlene's face in her hands joining in "Touch-a touch me, I wanna be dirtyyyy, thrill me, chill me, fulfill me!

Creature of the Night."

The marauders had planned the Halloween party or as Sirius called it his costume birthday party. Truthfully his birthday was only three days after Halloween which sparked the idea for a merged celebration. The party was in full swing by nine o'clock at night. A stark divide in the costumes one half of the party dressed in traditional wizarding jokes or famous characters or in other words the pure blood students and then the muggle approach of varied references to films from half bloods and muggleborns alike.

Anastasia a half blood and Marlene with two parents coming from both the muggle and wizarding communities the two had set on the indecorous outfit of Rocky Horror Picture's floor show costumes. James had come up with the great idea of having him and the boys go as the Wizard of Oz. He had watched the film with the boys a year before and fell in love. Assigning each of them their characters. Peter the scarecrow (he is without a brain but with more intelligence than he himself realizes), James himself the tin woodman (hopes for a heart but shows his kindness and concern for others already), and Sirius star of the night was Dorothy.

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