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CHAPTER 23 (part 1/4)

Remus being embarrassing
cause I love him

Remus woke up the next morning to find his bed made and the sweet sight of her olive case gone. Starting the day with an alarm of rationalisation that she had obviously gotten up in the middle of the night and left was more affective than a bucket of ice water.

Of course, after finding her nowhere in the house he had preconcertedly decided to lay in the dewy wet grass as an act of dolour and plan a thoroughly written apology.

Walking out the door, he was met with tidings of her smile. She was hanging a line on laundry, across from his mother, who had her own line.

She was hanging up one of his tight graphic tees. Remus practically hit the dirt. She's doing my laundry mine.

He was falling to the dirt in a nice, swooning type of eating shit till he followed the wire of clothespinned hanged fabric.

His Aran sweater, then his green shorts had worn to the World Cup, a couple button ups, a fair share of tight tees, and pants, and his plaid boxers.

My boxers!  

Now he really wanted to lay on the dewy week grass.

   "Hi Remus." Ana smiled, trying to look away from his bare chest.

My bare chest?

Remus was anything but a light sleeper as long as he had a shirt off and socks on. Last night he had ripped it off after hours of trying to be respectful to the girls sleeping on his bed. He failed.  

Laying uncomfortably in the wet grass was not enough. He needed to be taken out back and shot.

"Hi." He covered his chest like a girl in a raunchy anime. "I'm gonna- just- coverup."

He motioned behind him before turning around and for some reason also trying to cover his back, yelling softy as he closed the back door. "Morning!"


An hour later, around eight, people started showing up, or really James and Sirius. Everyone else came by ten. They cracked in through the fireplace carrying tons of tents, sleeping bags, portable chairs, snack, and hell tubes for the lake. 

Sirius seemed very grumpy. Probably had been woke up by the early James maybe minutes ago, forcing him to become green flames before he had the chance to even brushed his teeth.  

Lily came next with Bakewell tarts for Hope and Lyle. Mary then Marlene. Peter showed still in his pj's asking to change. Alice and Frank came together very obvious to everyone they had come from the same place.  

Though Hope and Lyle had met all the boys before. Even Sirius- after he had lied to his parents about staying at Hogwarts for Easter break. Instead, sneaking on the train with Remus  tothis Wales home. He had gone to church for the first time, thought it was quite boring.  

Hope was ecstatic to meet all the girls, regretting her idea of camping, wanting to keep the birds with her for their whole two-day stay. By 11 they had started but maybe half-a-mile journey past Remus' house around the lake to the woods-patch of trees.  

Setting up their muggle tents, each duo was sharing. Alice and Frank, Mary and Lily, Sirius and Peter, Remus and James, Anastasia and Marlene. 

Remus had done most of the setting up with trying help of the ever ecstatic Marlene and James. Everyone else sang songs, played jestful fights, basking in the sunny light, lazy, leisurely wizards and witches. 




You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed.

"Why is it so cold? Was it always this cold?" Ana sputtered through the ripples of waters she had made, jumping into the lucent water of their little lake.

Remus smiled, watching her like a patient dog waiting for their owner to come home.

"Ahhhh." She screeched- very damsel like- being pulled under the water.

Remus pulled his one hand kept on the hot dock over to her, but his soaked top had snagged on a splinter of aged wood, hindering his knightly savior.

Even the dock wants to me to never be with her.

Sirius head bobbed up from behind Ana just before she came back up, scared Nessy had found her.

"I can warm you up Foxy." Sirius wrapped his arms around her, looking like a true mermaid, with his long hair beading waves of black around his face, choking his neck and accessorizing his chest. 

Ana shrieked again, the white strap of her bikini falling, the bridge of her nose and the tops of her cheeks already pink. She was like a revery to him, a melody more seamless than the creaking of a chariot, than Apollo and Orpheus' lyre.

Remus rolled his eyes.

These two need to stop being so close, looking like sculptures of Michelangelo's detail. It's odious.

Ana spun around, still in the moment of thinking she was about to be dragged to her death by any sea creature of her. "Sirius!" She pushed into his chest, splashing at him.

Swimming to the raft of James who was floating on his back, surprisingly quiet.

You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed. My darling. One touch lasts thousands of hours.

Remus wiped the sprinkles of water that ran down his face tickling his skin. It wasn't her touch but close enough, splashes from the proximity.

Remus thought- If my life was to be lived in droplets, sparing of her liveliness, that she oozed as was oh so generous to share to a greedy man like Remus, then maybe that could be plenty enough for him. That he could be a patient man... for now.

The quote in this is from
Jessie Burtons the miniaturist

Authors note:

I love this chapter so excited for the parts to come out
Next part will be out Sunday.

Hope y'all liked it.

Date Posted: October 12th, 2023

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Date Posted: October 12th, 2023

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